The Clenched Fist Guild of Maj'Dul Saving and Loading Hotbar Sets

Hotbar sets can be created and swapped in and out while the game is running. This is particularly handy for saving a set of skills that you use while mentoring.

  1. Pick a file location. Something simple like the root of C:\ as the location to save your Hotbar settings.
  2. Set your Hotbar up the way you want them for normal play.
  3. Type the following in the chat window to save your keyset: /savehotkeys c:\normal.dat
  4. Set up your next set of Hotbars for mentoring and type: /savehotkeys c:\mentor.dat
  5. To switch back and forth, simply type /loadhotkeys c:\normal.dat or /loadhotkeys c:\mentor.dat and voilá, you are done. No fuss, no muss.

You can name the file what ever you want, and save it where ever you like. The above example was merely chosen for simplicity.

NOTE: You will not recieve a success or failure message when saving your Hotbar sets. The only indication will be the visual change in the Hotbar configuration.

You can also set this up as a macro command so that you simply have to click a button to switch Hotbars.

Last modified: 2005-08-17 12:16:25
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