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Tulvarus Elventree, Level 130 Ranger
390 Collections Active, 1467 Collections Completed, 1857 Total (198 Not Started)

[ Displaying 374 of 2055 Census Collections ]

3rd Lieutenant Gerrog - Logbook  - Page 4   3rd Lieutenant Gerrog - Logbook - Page 5   3rd Lieutenant Gerrog - Logbook - Page 6   Collectable: 3rd Lieutenant Gerrog - Logbook  - Page 10   Collectable: 3rd Lieutenant Gerrog - Logbook - Page 11   3rd Lieutenant Gerrog - Logbook - Page 12   4 of 6
A Dangerous Pet to Keep (Level 120, Tome)

Collectable: A Dangerous Pet to Keep - Page 2   A Dangerous Pet to Keep - Page 3   A Dangerous Pet to Keep - Page 4   A Dangerous Pet to Keep - Page 5   A Dangerous Pet to Keep - Page 6   A Dangerous Pet to Keep - Page 7   A Dangerous Pet to Keep - Page 8   A Dangerous Pet to Keep - Page 9   A Dangerous Pet to Keep - Page 10   A Dangerous Pet to Keep - Page 11   A Dangerous Pet to Keep - Page 12   10 of 11

A History of the Vah Shir, Vol. I, page 1   A History of the Vah Shir, Vol. I, page 2   A History of the Vah Shir, Vol. I, page 3   A History of the Vah Shir, Vol. I, page 4   Collectable: A History of the Vah Shir, Vol. I, page 5   A History of the Vah Shir, Vol. I, page 6   A History of the Vah Shir, Vol. I, page 7   A History of the Vah Shir, Vol. I, page 8   A History of the Vah Shir, Vol. I, page 9   8 of 9
Accursed Leavings (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Collectable: Accursedly Mouthed Conjuration   Accursedly Villainous Obscurity   Accursedly Defiled Image   Accursedly Torn Muscle   Collectable: Accursedly Alleged Apatite   3 of 5
Airs Above the Ground (Level 95, Destiny of Velious)

Metallic Alloy Terrets   Curved Metal Stirrups   An Adjustable Leather Bridle   A Polished Leather Saddle   Collectable: An Embossed Leather Breastcollar   An Extremely Large Girth Strap   Hardened Leather Breeching   Laced Leather Reins   A Durable Surcingle   A Flexible Crupper   9 of 10
Alabaster Hilted Wind Bow (Level 110, Chaos Descending)

Collectable: Alabaster Bow   Mark of Smoke   Collectable: Charm of Health   Elements of Sun   Insignia of Avatars   3 of 5
Algae Covered Staff (Level 110, Chaos Descending)

Collectable: Coral Crusher   Collectable: Mark of Ofossaa   Charm of Blue   Collectable: Elements of Foam   Collectable: Insignia of Crushing Waves   1 of 5
Alms of the Crypt of Dalnir META (Level 100, Kunark Ascending)

Collectable: Ancient Offering for Rile   Baneful Offering for Rile   Collectable: Broken Offering for Rile   Illicit Offering for Rile   Collectable: Incomplete Offering for Rile   Uncharted Offering for Rile   3 of 6
Ancient's Legacy (Level 92, Destiny of Velious)

Collectable: Claws of the Brood   Fangs of the Brood   Collectable: Essence of the Brood   Collectable: Hearts of the Brood   Collectable: Scales of the Brood   1 of 5
Ancient Nizari Spells META (Level 100, Fabled Fallen Dynasty)

Collectable: Scroll of Crushing Earth   Scroll of Elemental Dominance   Scroll of Physical Destruction   Collectable: Scroll of Sacred Blood Curses   Collectable: Scroll of Ethereal Mastery   Scroll of Deathly Blood Magic   3 of 6
Ancient Nizari Statues META (Level 100, Fabled Fallen Dynasty)

Statue of Nizari'zhi Blood   Collectable: Statue of Nizari'zhi Flesh   Collectable: Statue of Nizari'zhi Soul   1 of 3
Angry Elddar (Level 125, Renewal of Ro)

Collectable: Abducted Leaders   Collectable: Eldritch Experimentation   Endless Servitude   Greedy Geomancer   Collectable: Transformational Curses   2 of 5
Ankh of Ydal (Level 105, Fabled Echoes of Faydwer)

Fragment of Ydal - Top Left   Fragment of Ydal - Top Right   Fragment of Ydal - Bottom Left   Collectable: Fragment of Ydal - Bottom Right   3 of 4
Apothecary's Scale (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Apothecary's Instruments   Stone Mortar   Collectable: Stone Pestle   Unsterilized Scalpel   Rusty Tooth Extractor   Used Stitching Needle   Collectable: Medicinal Jar   5 of 7
Arcane Tome Bits (Level 125, Shattered Overture)

Collectable: Torn Pages   Collectable: Ripped Pages   Collectable: Mangled Cover   Burnt Endband   Severed Book Spine   2 of 5
Arch Nemesis Rhag'Nazza's Relics (Level 120, Blood of Luclin)

Rhag'Nazza's Venom Gauge   Collectable: Rhag'Nazza's Authentic Affliction   Collectable: Rhag'Nazza's Spurious Affliction   Rhag'Nazza's Shockwave   Rhag'Nazza's Bubble   3 of 5
Archaeology Finds (Level 125, Renewal of Ro)

Collectable: Broken Diadem   Fossilized Scarab   Collectable: Parchment Dust   Shattered Stele   Collectable: Tarnished Bowl   2 of 5
Ardathium, Vol. III (Level 62, Tome)

Collectable: Ardathium, Vol. III, page 1   Ardathium, Vol. III, page 2   Ardathium, Vol. III, page 3   Ardathium, Vol. III, page 4   Collectable: Ardathium, Vol. III, page 5   Ardathium, Vol. III, page 6   Ardathium, Vol. III, page 7   5 of 7
Ardathium, Vol. IV (Level 62, Tome)

Ardathium, Vol. IV, page 1   Ardathium, Vol. IV, page 2   Collectable: Ardathium, Vol. IV, page 3   Ardathium, Vol. IV, page 4   Ardathium, Vol. IV, page 5   Ardathium, Vol. IV, page 6   5 of 6
Ardathium, Vol. V (Level 62, Tome)

Collectable: Ardathium, Vol. V, page 1   Collectable: Ardathium, Vol. V, page 2   Ardathium, Vol. V, page 3   Ardathium, Vol. V, page 4   Ardathium, Vol. V, page 5   3 of 5
Ardathium, Vol. VI (Level 62, Tome)

Collectable: Ardathium, Vol. VI, page 1   Collectable: Ardathium, Vol. VI, page 2   Ardathium, Vol. VI, page 3   Ardathium, Vol. VI, page 4   Ardathium, Vol. VI, page 5   3 of 5
Articles of Etosh (Level 130, Ballads of Zimara)

Collectable: Vambraces of the Electrifying   Greaves of the Electrifying   Mace of the Electrifying   Collectable: Halberd of the Electrifying   Collectable: Helm of the Electrifying   Collectable: Gauntlets of the Electrifying   2 of 6
Articles of Hasira (Level 130, Ballads of Zimara)

Greatsword of the Hawk   Sabatons of the Hawk   Necklace of the Hawk   Bangle of the Hawk   Collectable: Great-Staff of the Hawk   Scepter of the Hawk   5 of 6
Articles of Shanrazad (Level 130, Ballads of Zimara)

Blade of the Spared   Collectable: Helm of the Spared   Gauntlets of the Spared   Shield of the Spared   Staff of the Spared   Ring of the Spared   5 of 6
Articles of Strungstone (Level 130, Ballads of Zimara)

Sigil of Fuejenyrus   Horn of Fuejenyrus   Collectable: Signet of Fuejenyrus   Sigil of Crisj'Jen   Collectable: Claw of Crisj'Jen   Collectable: Signet of Crisj'Jen   3 of 6
Articles of Zenith Helionae (Level 130, Ballads of Zimara)

Sigil of Queen Era'selka   Scale of Queen Era'selka   Signet of Queen Era'selka   Collectable: Sigil of Doda K'Bael   Banner of Doda K'Bael   Collectable: Signet of Doda K'Bael   4 of 6
Articles of the Duende (Level 130, Ballads of Zimara)

Dagger of the Bashi   Collectable: Staff of the Bashia   Collectable: Scimitar of the Iskem   Collectable: Kukuri of the Iskma   Collectable: Staff of the Nizam   Scepter of the Nizama   2 of 6
Articles of the Golden Rule (Level 130, Ballads of Zimara)

Collectable: Bracelet of Ashnu   Collectable: Ring of Ashnu   Collectable: Scale of Hezodhan   Horn of Hezodhan   Collectable: Veil of the Storm Mistress   Crown of the Storm Mistress   2 of 6
Articles of the Jann (Level 130, Ballads of Zimara)

Collectable: Gauntlets of the Raja   Collectable: Boots of the Rani   Cuirass of the Shahan   Greaves of the Shadan   Collectable: Vambraces of the Khediva   Pauldrons of the Reis   3 of 6
Articles of the Yazdani (Level 130, Ballads of Zimara)

Collectable: Yazdani War Blade   Collectable: Yazdani Prayer Robes   Yazdani Coin   Collectable: Yazdani Priest Ring   Yazdani Ceremonial Bowl   Yazdani Ancient Brazier   3 of 6
Artist Sketches (Level 125, Renewal of Ro)

Ancient Aqueducts   Colorful Desert Flowers   Collectable: Plateau Vista   Reservoir Shelter   Rocky Pinnacles   4 of 5
Askr's Lost Memoirs (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Collectable: Askr's Lost Vessels   Askr's Ale Tankard   Askr's Wine Chalice   Askr's Mead Mug   Askr's Rum Bottle   Askr's Spirit Flask   Askr's Whiskey Jar   6 of 7
Astral Storm Flux META (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Collectable: Enchanted Beanstalk Seedling   Askr's Lost Memoirs   Collectable: Harmonic Winds Whistle   Torden Lightning Rod   Storm Lord's Shroud   3 of 5
Auduborian Colossus Collectables (Level 130, Ballads of Zimara)

Colossus Root   Collectable: Colossus Leaf   Collectable: Colossus Bark   Colossus Branch   Colossus Heartwood   Collectable: Colossus Sapwood   3 of 6
Automatonic Figurine (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Automatonic Schemes   Adornment Sequence   Collectable: Sentinel Sequence   Maintenance Sequence   Planar Production Sequence   Overpatrol Sequence   Collectable: Intermodal Sequence   5 of 7
Avazek Relics (Level 90, Destiny of Velious)

Collectable: Iron Sword of Betrayal   Steel Mace of Flight   Collectable: Shield of the Challenger   Collectable: Breastplate of the Marshal   Imbued Relic of the Priest   Collectable: Avazek Taloned Gauntlet   Collectable: Avazek Taloned Boots   Collectable: Helm of Djuul   2 of 8
Ballads of Zimara (Level 130, Ballads of Zimara)

Songs of Fire and Rage   The Fractal Chorals   The Aerie Overture   Flight of the Felfeather   Collectable: Songs of the Maedjinn   The Lunatic's Lament   Collectable: The Vaashkaani Crescendo   5 of 7
Bangle of Disease Warding (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Rotting Ancient Armory   Gloves of Flowing Ooze   Gooey Boots   Bracer of Rotting Bile   Collectable: Oozing Quarterstaff   Collectable: Ring of the Pox-Bearer   Cursed Armplates   5 of 7
Banners of Torsis Tradeposts (Level 100, Kunark Ascending)

Soiled Tradepost Banner   Collectable: Tarnished Tradepost Banner   Floating Tradepost Banner   Shredded Tradepost Banner   Obscure Tradepost Banner   Crimpled Tradepost Banner   5 of 6
Bark of the Greenwood (Level 125, Renewal of Ro)

Ancient Oak Bark   Ancient Ash Bark   Ancient Cedar Bark   Collectable: Ancient Ironwood Bark   Collectable: Ancient Mahogany Bark   3 of 5
Battles of Luclin Artifacts (Level 120, Blood of Luclin)

Collectable: Battle Flag of The Grey   Battle Flag of Maiden's Eye   Battle Flag of Marus Seru   2 of 3
Bazaar Baron Brixwald's Relics (Level 120, Blood of Luclin)

Brixwald's Aura of a Gilded Age   Collectable: Brixwald's Soul Espionage   Brixwald's Sand Rune   Brixwald's Scorn   Brixwald's Bizarre Bash   4 of 5
Betrayal and Despair (Level 125, Myths and Monoliths)

Collectable: Words of Treachery   Collectable: Words of Trickery   Words of Deception   Words of Sorrow   Words of Tribulation   3 of 5
Billy Doll Bits (Level 125, Shattered Overture)

Collectable: Torn Billy Doll Bit   Collectable: Ripped Billy Doll Bit   Collectable: Mangled Billy Doll Bit   Collectable: Burnt Billy Doll Bit   Severed Burlap String   1 of 5
Black Feathered Circlet (Level 120, Reign of Shadows)

Collectable: Crow Feather   Beetle Ichor   Sacred Bat Hide   Heavy Platinum Circlet   Collectable: Constitution of Pitch   3 of 5
Bloodcovet Cordon (Level 100, Fabled Echoes of Faydwer)

Bloodcovet Cordon of Life   Bloodcovet Cordon of Death   Collectable: Bloodcovet Cordon of Sanguine   Bloodcovet Cordon of Hostility   Bloodcovet Cordon of Ire   4 of 5
Bone Sliver Ornament (Level 110, Chaos Descending)

Collectable: Bone Ornament   Collectable: Monstrous Mark   Collectable: Charm of Speed   Elements of Vegarlson   Collectable: Celestial Insignia   1 of 5
Boney Bits (Level 125, Shattered Overture)

Collectable: Busted Boney Bit   Collectable: Cracked Boney Bit   Collectable: Fractured Boney Bit   Split Boney Bit   Shattered Boney Bit   2 of 5
Boombottom Blockers (Level 110, Fabled Runnyeye: The Gathering)

Boombottom Patron Protector   Boombottom Ambassador Armor   Boombottom Converser Cuirass   Boombottom Spotter Stopper   Collectable: Boombottom Pummeler Puncher   4 of 5
Boombottom Boomers (Level 110, Fabled Runnyeye: The Gathering)

Boombottom Spotter Swatter   Boombottom Rager Wrecker   Boombottom Smithy Smacker   Collectable: Boombottom Pummeler Pounder   Boombottom Corrupter Crasher   4 of 5
Bracers of Earthen Energy (Level 110, Chaos Descending)

Collectable: Earthen Bracers   Collectable: Mark of Energy   Collectable: Charm of Distance   Elements of Mud   Collectable: Insignia of the Mudwalker   1 of 5
Brilliant Dust (Level 125, Shattered Overture)

Collectable: Brilliant Beryl Dust   Brilliant Crimson Dust   Brilliant Azure Dust   Brilliant Flaxen Dust   Brilliant Violet Dust   4 of 5
Brokentoe Clothing (Level 110, Fabled Runnyeye: The Gathering)

Backbiter's Cloak   Diplomat's Gloves   Raider's Gauntlets   Scrapper's Sandals   Collectable: Stabber's Stiched Pants   4 of 5
Brokentoe Talisman (Level 110, Fabled Runnyeye: The Gathering)

Talisman of the Backbiter   Talisman of the Diplomant   Talisman of the Mystic   Collectable: Talisman of the Stabber   Talisman of the Raider   4 of 5
Buried Takish'Hiz Treasures (Level 125, Renewal of Ro)

Takka Kevad's Marauder Blade   Idol of Caedor's Growth Dagger   Grenhuud the Fierce's Fist   Dendrae's Nymph Blade   Ceroth's Stone Club   Queen Millidreex's Wand   Flitter's Flittering Daggers   Collectable: Kragstag the Craggy's Staff   Collectable: Golgon's Gorer   Collectable: Bulbrusk the Bulbous' Basher   7 of 10
Cacophony Drum (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Thunderclap Drums   Ruckus Drum   Discord Drum   Uproar Drum   Bellowing Drum   Collectable: Howling Drum   Booming Drum   6 of 7
Carpeting the Area (Level 125, Renewal of Ro)

Furious Fringe   Malicious Motive   Pernicious Pattern   Wacky Weft   Collectable: Wicked Warp   4 of 5
Chooser's Cap (Level 120, Reign of Shadows)

Collectable: Bogling Loin Cloth   White Sand Powder   Collectable: Iron Rimmed Buttons   Signet of Parting   Collectable: Substance of Umbra   2 of 5

Chronicle of Gromok, Vol. I, page 1   Collectable: Chronicle of Gromok, Vol. I, page 2   Collectable: Chronicle of Gromok, Vol. I, page 3   Chronicle of Gromok, Vol. I, page 4   Chronicle of Gromok, Vol. I, page 5   Chronicle of Gromok, Vol. I, page 6   Chronicle of Gromok, Vol. I, page 7   5 of 7

Chronicle of Gromok, Vol. III, page 1   Chronicle of Gromok, Vol. III, page 2   Chronicle of Gromok, Vol. III, page 3   Collectable: Chronicle of Gromok, Vol. III, page 4   Chronicle of Gromok, Vol. III, page 5   Chronicle of Gromok, Vol. III, page 6   5 of 6

Collectable: Chronicle of Gromok, Vol. IV, page 1   Collectable: Chronicle of Gromok, Vol. IV, page 2   Collectable: Chronicle of Gromok, Vol. IV, page 3   Chronicle of Gromok, Vol. IV, page 4   Chronicle of Gromok, Vol. IV, page 5   2 of 5
Circlet of Mystery (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Discs of Unknown Purpose   Collectable: Disc of Enigma   Disc of Secrecy   Riddling Disc   Cryptic Disc   Circular Rebus   Flat Conundrum   6 of 7
Clawed Earthcrafter's Pendant (Level 110, Chaos Descending)

Exquisite Puresteel Wraps   Collectable: Sword of Primordial Power   Collectable: Chestguard of Enchanted Marble   Collectable: Manacle of Disruption   1 of 4
Cloak of Pure Combustion (Level 110, Chaos Descending)

Collectable: Doomfire Drape   Collectable: Mark of Combustion   Collectable: Charm of Flame   Element of Purity   Insignia of Ro   2 of 5
Clockwork Watch (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Shattered Time   Tinkered Lug   Unspun Dial   Silver Balance Spring   Collectable: Chromium Balance Wheel   Jeweled Base Plate   Collectable: Worn Leather Band   5 of 7
Cloudburst Hailstone (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Furious Hailstones   Turmoil Hailstone   Collectable: Commotion Hailstone   Tempest Hailstone   Barrage Hailstone   Clamorous Hailstone   Tumultuous Hailstone   6 of 7
Coins of the Damned (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Collectable: Bonefiend's Copper Obol   Culler of Bone's Golden Obol   Collectable: Deathrot Knight's Bronze Obol   Lord of Decay's Steel Obol   Lord of Ire's Copper Obol   Lord of Loathing's Golden Obol   Master of Spite's Bronze Obol   Mistress of Scorn's Electrum Obol   Bleeder of Ire's Copper Obol   P'Tasa's Bronze Obol   Phantom Wraith's Golden Obol   Deathspinner's Bronze Obol   Demetrius Crane's Steel Obol   Maestro's Copper Obol   Collectable: M'Kari's Bronze Obol   T'Vala's Steel Obol   Dreadlord's Electrum Obol   Grandmaster's Electrum Obol   Broodmaster's Golden Obol   D'Vngur's Electrum Obol   17 of 20
Collected Alluring Novelties META (Level 95, Siren's Grotto)

Collectable: Collected Leader Novelties   Collected Siren Scales   Collected Grotto Garb   Collectable: Collected Neriad Weapons   2 of 4

Collectable: A partial volume of Potions, Transcendence of Life and Death  Volume II   Collectable: A partial section of Potions, Transcendence of Life and Death  Volume II   A partial chapter of Potions, Transcendence of Life and Death  Volume II   1 of 3
Consumer's Hoard (Level 95, Tears of Veeshan)

Necrotic Flesh   Collectable: Shards of the Consumer   Eternal Hunger   Collectable: Feral Rage   2 of 4
Copper Slivers (Level 125, Shattered Overture)

Heated Copper Sliver   Collectable: Chilled Copper Sliver   Vibrating Copper Sliver   Stable Copper Sliver   Collectable: Glassy Copper Sliver   3 of 5
Counterfeit Coins (Level 125, Visions of Vetrovia)

Collectable: Fishy Far Seas Ferrin   Imitation Draconic Etyma   Pseudo Tears of Ro   Mock Mark of Manaar   Collectable: Bogus Bazaar Crown   Collectable: Brummagem Vetrovian Mint   Fraudulent Void Shard   Pretend Primal Velium Shard   Spurious Archivist's Tremissis   Collectable: Copied Coin Insignia   Sham Mark of Twilight   Phony Truth Insignia   Collectable: Faked Unbound Elemental Essence   Collectable: Fictitious Obol   Collectable: Assumed Coin of the Eternal Queen   Collectable: Forged Blades Insignia   Feigned Obol Obscura   Collectable: False Shadowmark   9 of 18
Creature Catalogue Tags (Level 95, Fabled)

Catalogued Creature Tag: Deathfist Orc   Collectable: Catalogued Creature Tag: Mummy   Catalogued Creature Tag: Djinn   Collectable: Catalogued Creature Tag: Naga   Collectable: Catalogued Creature Tag: Harpy   Catalogued Creature Tag: Cyclops   Collectable: Catalogued Creature Tag: Efreeti   3 of 7
Crocodile Scales Collection (Level 50, Scales)

Collectable: broken crocodile scale   Collectable: decaying crocodile scale   pristine crocodile scale   shining crocodile scale   tarnished crocodile scale   3 of 5
Crystal Enervated Armbands (Level 120, Reign of Shadows)

Powdered Balanzite Crystal   Fatigued Leather Straps   Cloudy Liquid of Bolstering   Collectable: Song of Support   Collectable: Square Star Rose Buttons   Quality of Reality   Collectable: Grains of Release   4 of 7
Dalnir's Unfinished Armory (Level 100, Kunark Ascending)

Dalnir's Drawn Down Dagger   Dalnir's Bent Cracking Sword   Dalnir's Punched Fray Shield   Dalnir's Shrunk Cold Shield   Dalnir's Swaged Stark Lance   Collectable: Dalnir's Upset Gaunt Blade   5 of 6
Dangerous Plant Samples (Level 120, Reign of Shadows)

Collectable: Poisonous Pollen   Collectable: Corrupted Thorns   Collectable: Acidic Sap   Collectable: Hallucinogenic Seeds   Nether-imbued Leaves   1 of 5
Dark Spells of Lord Krasick (Level 110, Return to Guk)

Krasick's Deadly Reflection   Krasick's Terrible Gaze   Krasick's Shard of Putrescence   Collectable: Krasick's Guktan Cloud   Krasick's Diseased Barbs   4 of 5
Dark Steel Greatsword (Level 120, Reign of Shadows)

Collectable: Sharp Dark Steel Blade   Etched Electrum Pommel   Tanned Leech Cord   Collectable: Darkstone Sharpening Tool   Collectable: Form of Release   2 of 5
Daughter's Faraway Keepsakes (Level 100, Kunark Ascending)

Cast Aside Tiara   Broken Family Portrait   Precious Memory Album   Minion Tattered Tapestry   Soiled Enveloping Shawl   Collectable: Trade City Former Mask   5 of 6
Denizen's Remains (Level 125, Renewal of Ro)

Flutterwasp Wing   Collectable: Geonid Arm   Mosquito Proboscis   Sabertooth Fur   Tentacle Terror Tooth   4 of 5
Departed Deific Efforts META (Level 100, Kunark Ascending)

Absolution of Aniquilacion   Elevation of Chaos Stone   Inspiration of Paixao   Collectable: Outbreak of Xul'Varien   Collectable: Plentitude of Pingyuan Diqu   Talent of Zou Kunnen   4 of 6
Desert Maps (Level 95, Fabled)

Map of the Twin Tears   Map of the Bay of Anuk   Collectable: Map of the Tower of the Moon   Collectable: Map of the Library of Light   Collectable: Map of the Sultan's Palace   Collectable: Map of the T'Narev   Collectable: Map of the The Sun Spires   Collectable: Map of the The Needle   2 of 8
Despicable Lumps (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Collectable: Despicably Voiced Divination   Despicably Needed Motive   Collectable: Despicably Dismantled Doll   Collectable: Despicably Broken Skull   Collectable: Despicably Asserted Murmur   1 of 5
Dichromanus' Relics (Level 120, Blood of Luclin)

Dichromanus' Diffraction   Collectable: Dichromanus' Spectrum Splash   Collectable: Dichromanus' Prismatic Onslaught   Dichromanus' Animind Collective   Dichromanus' Dichroic Impact   3 of 5
Diseased Harbinger Gases (Level 130, Ballads of Zimara)

Collectable: Offensive Marsh Gas   Malodorous Methane   Collectable: Corrupted Carbon Dioxide   Collectable: Repugnant Ethane   Collectable: Stinky Sulfide   Fusty Phosphine   2 of 6
Dominus' Dominance (Level 110, Fabled Kael Drakkel)

Gandrrig's Mark   Dominus' Greaves   Collectable: Dominus' Mace   Collectable: Dominus' Belt   Collectable: Dominus' Badge   Collectable: Dominus' Shield   Dominus' Coin   3 of 7
Dragons, Dragons, Dragons (Level 125, Myths and Monoliths)

Blood of Kluzen the Protector   Blood of Nexona   Wing of Nexona   Blood of Elder Ekron   Blood of Druushk   Wing of Druushk   Blood of Taskmaster Nichok   Blood of Milyex Vioren   Blood of Qunard Ashenclaw   Blood of Hoshkar   Wing of Hoshkar   Blood of Xygoz   Wing of Xygoz   Blood of Travenro the Skygazer   Collectable: Blood of Silverwing   Wing of Silverwing   Blood of Phara Dar   Collectable: Wing of Phara Dar   Collectable: Idol of Trakanon   Cracked Chelsith Stone   17 of 20
Dragons to Be (Level 95, Tears of Veeshan)

Brown Dragon Egg   Blue Dragon Egg   Collectable: Yellow Dragon Egg   Gray Dragon Egg   3 of 4
Dreadful Shreds (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Collectable: Dreadfully Shared Augury   Collectable: Dreadfully Held Furtive   Dreadfully Enraged Idol   Dreadfully Bruised Bone   Collectable: Dreadfully Whispered Act   2 of 5
Dreamweaver Web Shield (Level 120, Reign of Shadows)

Shadeweaver Webbing   Collectable: Sacred Blood   Collectable: Whisperling Shell   Darkwood Ribbing   Collectable: Caliber of Reverie   2 of 5
Duende Ancient Armaments (Level 125, Renewal of Ro)

Blackmetal Scimitar   Blackspawn Trident   Collectable: Shadowbane Scimitar   Darkmystic Trident   3 of 4
Dustpaw Relics (Level 130, Darkpaw Rising)

Collectable: Dustpaw Charred Relic   Collectable: Dustpaw Singed Remnant   Dustpaw Branded Keepsake   Collectable: Dustpawn Burnt Memento   Collectable: Dustpaw Scalded Fragment   Dustpaw Blistered Curio   2 of 6
Dustpaw Weapons (Level 10, Darkpaw Rising)

Dustpaw Bone Dagger   Collectable: Dustpaw Lashed Hammer   Dustpaw Splintered Club   Dustpaw Burnt Staff   Dustpaw Flint Knife   Dustpaw Jagged Tooth Mace   5 of 6
Dying to Roll (Level 95, Tears of Veeshan)

Ornate Silver Die   Collectable: Ornate Brown Die   Splintered Bone Dice   Skeletal Die   3 of 4
Earthen Bile (Level 110, Chaos Descending)

Collectable: Cloak of Pure Combustion   Collectable: Sable Shoes of Flame   Immaculate Vest of the Fire Tyrant   Collectable: Gleaming Mesh Girdle   Collectable: Whispering Air Bangle   Collectable: Heavy Bludgeoner   Collectable: Band of Swirling Air   Collectable: Alabaster Hilted Wind Bow   Collectable: Shroud of the Stonecrafter   Collectable: Bracers of Earthen Energy   Collectable: Bone Sliver Ornament   Collectable: Stone Etched War Sword   Collectable: Double Woven Kelp Cord   Collectable: Algae Covered Staff   Collectable: Helm of Ocean Storms   Collectable: Seaweed Woven Leggings   1 of 16
Echoes of Faydwer Maps META (Level 100, Fabled Echoes of Faydwer)

Collectable: Ancient Steamfont Mountains Map   Collectable: Ancient Butcherblock Mountains Map   Collectable: Ancient Lesser Faydark Map   Collectable: Ancient Greater Faydark Map   Collectable: Ancient Loping Plains Map   Ancient Faydwer Continent Map   Ancient Mistmoore Catacombs Map   2 of 7
Efreeti Ciphers (Level 130, Ballads of Zimara)

Collectable: Cipher of the Emir   Cipher of the Emira   Cipher of the Sheikh   Collectable: Cipher of the Sheikha   Collectable: Runed Cipher of the Efreeti   Flaming Cipher of the Efreeti   3 of 6
Elddar Ghostly Essence (Level 125, Renewal of Ro)

Collectable: Essence of Darkness   Essence of Pain   Collectable: Essence of Anxiety   Collectable: Essence of Unsurety   Collectable: Essence of Time   1 of 5
Emotion Commotion (Level 125, Renewal of Ro)

Nature's Shard of Enmity   Nature's Shard of Rage   Collectable: Nature's Shard of Passion   Nature's Shard of Sorrow   Nature's Shard of Misery   Collectable: Nature's Shard of Grief   Collectable: Nature's Shard of Resentment   Collectable: Nature's Shard of Grievance   Nature's Shard of Failure   Collectable: Nature's Shard of Loathing   Collectable: Nature's Shard of Revulsion   Collectable: Nature's Shard of Abhorrence   5 of 12
Enchanted Beanstalk Seedling (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

The Giant Slayer   Skyfury's Discarded Gold Bracer   Thunderstorm Giant Jewelry   Collectable: Blizzard Giant Jade Armor Fragment   Cloud Giant Fabric Arm Band   Sandstorm Giant Belt   Collectable: Black Aviak Feather   5 of 7
Ensorcelled Salve (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Wounded Flesh   Infected Lacerated Skin   Collectable: Sickly Punctured Skin   Collectable: Afflicted Skin Abrasion   Infected Burned Skin   Polluted Skin Ulcer   Corrupted Rotting Skin   5 of 7
Erudite Glyph Stones (Level 95, Sentinel's Fate)

Erudite Glyph Stones: Gazer   Erudite Glyph Stones: Beam   Erudite Glyph Stones: Minion   Erudite Glyph Stones: Clothing   Erudite Glyph Stones: Grimoires   Erudite Glyph Stones: Vigilant   Erudite Glyph Stones: Maps   Erudite Glyph Stones: Scrolls   Erudite Glyph Stones: Masks   Collectable: Erudite Glyph Stones: Tallonite   9 of 10
Escape from Klick'Anon (Level 100, Terrors of Thalumbra)

Collectable: Escape from Klick'Anon Page 2   Collectable: Escape from Klick'Anon Page 1   Escape from Klick'Anon Page 6   Escape from Klick'Anon Page 5   Escape from Klick'Anon Page 4   Escape from Klick'Anon Page 3   4 of 6
Esoteric Books (Level 120, Reign of Shadows)

Collectable: A Study of the Amygdalan   Collectable: Ectoplasmic Entities: A Beginner's Guide   Containment Procedures for the Undead   Pestilences and Plagues   Collectable: The Creation of Constructs   Demystifying the Dreadfell   3 of 6
Essence of the Dreadscale (Level 95, Tears of Veeshan)

Soul of the Martyr   Chromatic Shard   Shard of Ironscale   Collectable: Scorched Razors   Hand of Dread   Collectable: Dreadscales Banner   4 of 6
Ethereal Explorer META (Level 95, Tears of Veeshan)

Collectable: Dungeon Exploration Bauble   Stand Alone Bracelet   Collectable: Dungeon Crawl Trinket   1 of 3
Ethereal Memories META (Level 95, Tears of Veeshan)

Honey Perfume   Collectable: Freedom Key   Collectable: Trapped Soul Doll   Flocked Together Feather   2 of 4
Evils of Anathraxxis Fetidspine (Level 110, Return to Guk)

Anathraxxis' Decay of Souls   Anathraxxis' Mortification   Anathraxxis' Fetid Putrescence   Collectable: Anathraxxis' Ripping Blight   Anathraxxis' Toxic Ooze   4 of 5
Exotic Potions (Level 120, Reign of Shadows)

Lich Polymorph Potion   Collectable: Heat Blood Potion   Unidentifiable Purple Potion   Suspicious Yellow Potion   Wart Remover Potion   4 of 5
Exsulator's Excellence (Level 110, Fabled Kael Drakkel)

Collectable: Tycheron's Stomp   Exsulator's Cross   Exsulator's Helm   Collectable: Exsulator's Ire   Collectable: Exsulator's Staff   Exsulator's Icon   Exsulator's Order   4 of 7
Famyra the Biblioghost's Relics (Level 120, Blood of Luclin)

Collectable: Famyra's Addlepated Affliction   Collectable: Famyra's Soul Link   Collectable: Famyra's Distorted Reality   Collectable: Famyra's Book Marked   Famyra's Knowledge is Power   1 of 5
Festering Bits (Level 125, Shattered Overture)

Torn Festering Bit   Ripped Festering Bit   Collectable: Mangled Festering Bit   Collectable: Burnt Festering Bit   Severed Hag Hand   3 of 5
Fire Guardian's Pendant (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Collectable: Fire Guardian Sigils   Collectable: Lava Golem's Sigil   Collectable: Dark Efreeti Sigil   Swift Phoenix Sigil   Collectable: Obsidian Golem Sigil   Lava Giant's Sigil   Collectable: Flametail Sigil   2 of 7
Fire Monger Baltar's Relics (Level 120, Blood of Luclin)

Baltar's Immortal Flame   Collectable: Baltar's Revenge   Baltar's Reach   Baltar's Hyperthermia   Baltar's Cremation   4 of 5
Flame Tyrant's Emblem (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Collectable: Flame Tyrant's Pendants   Collectable: Pendant of Molten Fury   Collectable: Pendant of Charred Desire   Pendant of Blazing Pain   Pendant of Simmering Wrath   Collectable: Pendant of Sweltered Rage   Collectable: Pendant of Blackened Ire   2 of 7
Floral Growth Benedictions (Level 100, Kunark Ascending)

Parchment of Fresh Leaves   Frame of Life Giving Land   Golden Branch Crown   Priceless Seed Encasing   Collectable: Records of Fruitful Trees   Consciousness of Oblivion   5 of 6
Follower Marks of Rile Sathir (Level 100, Kunark Ascending)

Eidolic Signature of Rile   Ghostly Insignia of Rile   Phantom Symbol of Rile   Shadowy Stamp of Rile   Spiritual Impression of Rile   Collectable: Wraith Brand of Rile   5 of 6
Forbidden Grimoires (Level 120, Reign of Shadows)

Thrice-locked Grimoire   Flesh-bound Grimoire   Collectable: Thexian Dark Ritual Grimoire   Collectable: Void Magic Grimoire   Collectable: Vile Glowing Grimoire   Collectable: Witch's Grimoire   2 of 6
Foul Pestilence Panegyrics (Level 100, Kunark Ascending)

Parchment of Diseases   Lament of Bane Contagion   Recollection of Rife Endemic   Collectable: Blight Cursed Charm   Illustration of Scourge   Dire Execution of Oblivion   5 of 6
Fragments of Growth (Level 90, Destiny of Velious)

Withered Fossil Rune   Withered Skin Rune   Withered Beetle Rune   Withered Holgresh Rune   Withered Flora Rune   Withered Swamp Rune   Withered Larvae Rune   Collectable: Withered Dragon Rune   Withered Decay Rune   Withered Giant Rune   Withered Storm Rune   10 of 11
From Daughter to Father (Level 50, Tome)

Collectable: From Daughter to Father - Page 1   From Daughter to Father - Page 2   From Daughter to Father - Page 3   From Daughter to Father - Page 4   From Daughter to Father - Page 5   From Daughter to Father - Page 6   From Daughter to Father - Page 7   From Daughter to Father - Page 8   From Daughter to Father - Page 9   From Daughter to Father - Page 10   Collectable: From Daughter to Father - Page 11   Collectable: From Daughter to Father - Page 12   9 of 12

Collectable: From Pond to Paladin, Vol. I, page 1   Collectable: From Pond to Paladin, Vol. I, page 2   From Pond to Paladin, Vol. I, page 3   Collectable: From Pond to Paladin, Vol. I, page 4   Collectable: From Pond to Paladin, Vol. I, page 5   From Pond to Paladin, Vol. I, page 6   From Pond to Paladin, Vol. I, page 7   3 of 7

From Pond to Paladin, Vol. II, page 1   From Pond to Paladin, Vol. II, page 2   From Pond to Paladin, Vol. II, page 3   Collectable: From Pond to Paladin, Vol. II, page 4   Collectable: From Pond to Paladin, Vol. II, page 5   Collectable: From Pond to Paladin, Vol. II, page 6   From Pond to Paladin, Vol. II, page 7   From Pond to Paladin, Vol. II, page 8   From Pond to Paladin, Vol. II, page 9   From Pond to Paladin, Vol. II, page 10   7 of 10
Fungal Spores (Level 10, Darkpaw Rising)

Darkened Fungal Spore   Glowing Fungal Spore   Florid Fungal Spore   Collectable: Luminous Fungal Spore   Lambent Fungal Spore   Sticky Fungal Spore   5 of 6
Fungalfiend Talisman (Level 10, Darkpaw Rising)

Talisman of Spores   Talisman of Mold   Collectable: Talisman of  Wet   Collectable: Talisman of the Putrid   Talisman of the Rotting   Collectable: Talisman of the Airless   3 of 6
Fungoid Belongings (Level 110, Return to Guk)

Fungoid Drone Cap   Fungoid Drone Stalk   Collectable: Fungoid Soldier Cap   Fungoid Soldier Stalk   Fungoid Soldier Eye   4 of 5
Gattley's Working Mech Bull (Level 120, Blood of Luclin)

M-001: Stabilizer Base   M-002: Bull Frame   Collectable: M-003: Stuffed Bovoch Head   M-004: Leather Saddle   M-005: Gyro Controller   M-006: Bucking Mechanism   5 of 6
Gelatinous Bits (Level 125, Shattered Overture)

Collectable: Clumped Jellied Bit   Collectable: Dried Jellied Bit   Collectable: Sizzled Jellied Bit   Collectable: Resinous Jellied Bit   Darkend Jellied Bit   1 of 5
Gems of the Crystal Caverns (Level 90, Destiny of Velious)

Crystal Ball of Velium   Blue Flecked Crystal   Collectable: Purple Flecked Crystal   Collectable: Green Flecked Crystal   Collectable: Stained Velium Ruby   Collectable: Prismatic Crystal Shard   2 of 6
Ghoul Lord's Implements (Level 110, Return to Guk)

Cuirass of the Ghoul Lord   Collectable: Protector of the Ghoul Lord   Ghoul Lord's Flies   Collectable: Ghoul Lord's Locusts   Ghoul Lord's Barbute   3 of 5
Gleaming Mesh Girdle (Level 110, Chaos Descending)

Collectable: Mesh Girdle   Gleaming Mark   Collectable: Charm of Quickening   Collectable: Element of Dexterity   Insignia of Doomfire   2 of 5
Glowing Slugs (Level 10, Darkpaw Rising)

Collectable: Ardent Slug   Sparkling Slug   Collectable: Radiant Slug   Incandescebt Slug   Collectable: Brilliant Slug   Refulgent Slug   3 of 6
Gold Flames Belt Buckle (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Infernal Creature Parts   Collectable: Flaming Phoenix Feather   Cleffyl Hoof   Fire Demon Horn   Obsidian Gargoyle Fragment   Cinder Gargoyle Fragment   Collectable: Lava Gargoyle Fragment   5 of 7
Gooey Bits Meta (Level 125, Shattered Overture)

Collectable: Gooey Jack-O-Lantern Bits   Gooey Shriller Bits   Collectable: Gooey Owlbear Bits   Collectable: Gooey Carrion Bits   Gooey Imp Bits   Collectable: Gooey Gelatinous Bits   Gooey Spectral Bits   Collectable: Gooey Goo Bits   Collectable: Gooey Goblin Bits   Collectable: Gooey Arcana Bits   Collectable: Gooey Tome Bits   Collectable: Gooey Corpse Bits   Collectable: Gooey Bloody Bits   Gooey Hag Bits   4 of 14
Grankr's Gear (Level 110, Fabled Kael Drakkel)

Collectable: Grankr's Song of Thunder   Collectable: Interrex's Denial   Interrex's Will   Interrex's Pride   Interrex's Loyalty   Collectable: Interrex's Ribbon   Interrex's Fight   4 of 7
Grimling Tribal Headdress (Level 120, Reign of Shadows)

Collectable: Saliva Treated Owlbear Feathers   Vah Shir Tongue   Collectable: Heavy Iron Circlet   Collectable: Uncut Oval Ruby   Collectable: Essentiality of Enmity   1 of 5
Grungetalon Clothing (Level 110, Fabled Runnyeye: The Gathering)

Blesser's Tunic   Cook's Hat   Scratcher's Fingerless Gloves   Collectable: Windtamer's Leggings   Clincher's Sandals   4 of 5
Grungetalon Gankers (Level 110, Fabled Runnyeye: The Gathering)

Grungetalon Blesser Beater   Collectable: Grungetalon Clawer Clunker   Grungetalon Gouger Gouger   Collectable: Grungetalon Scratcher Scratcher   Collectable: Grungetalon Windtamer Whacker   2 of 5
Grungetalon Guarders (Level 110, Fabled Runnyeye: The Gathering)

Grungetalon Blesser Blocker   Collectable: Grungetalon Cook Cover   Collectable: Grungetalon Windtamer Warder   Grungetalon Scratcher Scrunker   Collectable: Grungetalon Clincher Cusioner   2 of 5
Grungetalon Talisman (Level 110, Fabled Runnyeye: The Gathering)

Talisman of the Blesser   Talisman of the Clawer   Talisman of the Clincher   Talisman of the Gouger   Collectable: Talisman of the Windtamer   4 of 5
Guide Dolls Series 01 (Level 50, Hold of Prexus)

Collectable: Norrathian Kellin Doll   Norrathian Hrathnir Doll   Norrathian Ainure Doll   Collectable: Norrathian Rynara Doll   2 of 4
Guide Doodads Series Five (Level 50, Hold of Prexus)

Yarlawion's Engineered Snapping Tulip   Kaukumu's Ode to Cheese   Mairliana's Chaos Rose   Collectable: Nimves' Wild Hydrangea   3 of 4
Guide Doodads Series Four (Level 50, Hold of Prexus)

Devenn's Tiny Dance Shoes   Celoxx's Ivy Adorned Arm Guard   Squeecha's Chewed on Cheese Wheel   Collectable: Katalin's Pristine Gauntlets   3 of 4
Guide Doodads Series One (Level 50, Hold of Prexus)

Collectable: Akarius' Tall Tales of Giant Slaying   Collectable: Platter of Grajar's Cookies   Collectable: Aorm's Aged Brew   Heirloom's Heavy Duty Toe Guard   1 of 4
Guide Doodads Series Three (Level 50, Hold of Prexus)

Curella's Guide to Inner Peace Through Pie   Sweetpetunia's Text on Being the Best   Ayateria's Lucky Lily   Collectable: Taerran’s Broken Snow Globe   3 of 4
Guide Doodads Series Two (Level 50, Hold of Prexus)

Collectable: Bellandu's Warping Daisys   Skultulla's Bowl of Picked Collections   Collectable: Einadon's Missing Reports   Twizel's Candied Fly Sticks   2 of 4
Haggle Baron's Bags (Level 125, Myths and Monoliths)

Collectable: Haggle Baron's Haggle Bag   Collectable: Haggle Baron's Barter Bag   Collectable: Haggle Baron's Palter Bag   Haggle Baron's Deal Bag   Collectable: Haggle Baron's Quibble Bag   1 of 5
Haggle Baron's Coins (Level 125, Myths and Monoliths)

Coin of Dispute   Coin of Chaffer   Coin of Bargains   Collectable: Coin of Cavil   Collectable: Coin of the Huckster   3 of 5
Harmonic Winds Whistle (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Chimes of the Four Winds   First Wind Chime   Second Wind Chime   Collectable: Third Wind Chime   Fourth Wind Chime   Collectable: Twine of Four Winds   Four Winds Clapper   5 of 7
Heavy Bludgeoner (Level 110, Chaos Descending)

Collectable: Eryslai Mace   Collectable: Mark of Life   Collectable: Charm of Mana   Collectable: Elements of Mist   Insignia of Bludgeoning   1 of 5
Heinous Hunks (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Heinously Torn Illusion   Collectable: Heinously Evil Darkness   Heinously Painted Deity   Collectable: Heinously Charred Eye   Collectable: Heinously Uttered Craving   2 of 5
Heroics in the Desert (Level 125, Renewal of Ro)

Adventuring Goals   Collectable: Angry Elddar   Collectable: Archaeology Finds   Collectable: Artist Sketches   Bandit Discards   Buried Treasures   Collectable: Carpeting the Area   Curses   Collectable: Denizen's Remains   Don't Boss Me   Graven in the Grange   Collectable: Like a Boss   Odd Advice   Collectable: Rejected Tomes   Ruined Ruins   Threshold Things   Ubiquitous Cacti   Collectable: Uncontrolled Growth   Collectable: Vultures 101   Collectable: Watery Wonders   10 of 20
Hoard of the Ancients (Level 92, Destiny of Velious)

Chromatic Bracers of the Ages   Chromatic Cloak of the Ages   Chromatic Gloves of the Ages   Collectable: Chromatic Leggings of the Ages   Chromatic Sleeves of the Ages   Chromatic Slippers of the Ages   Collectable: Chromatic Tunic of the Ages   Chromatic Veil of the Ages   6 of 8
Iceshard Keep Soldier Symbols (Level 90, Destiny of Velious)

Frostbourne Kromrif Symbol   Battlerager Kromrif Symbol   Iceweaver Kromrif Symbol   Bloodfist Kromrif Symbol   Frozenshard Kromrif Symbol   Collectable: Bonebreaker Kromrif Symbol   Stonecutter Kromrif Symbol   Collectable: Coldforge Kromrif Symbol   6 of 8
Idols of Lord Venril Sathir (Level 82, Shadow Odyssey)

Sathirian Idol of Power   Sathirian Idol of the Warrior-Mage   Sathirian Idol of Conquest   Collectable: Sathirian Idol of Annexation   Collectable: Sathirian Idol of the Kunzar Soldier   Sathirian Idol of the Unity Campaign   Sathirian Idol of Drusella Sathir   Sathirian Idol of Devotion   Sathirian Idol of Lichdom   Sathirian Idol of the Arisen   8 of 10
Iksar Coins (Level 95, Tears of Veeshan)

Silver Ornate Coin   Collectable: Copper Ornate Coin   Nickel Ornate Coin   Collectable: Elder Coin   2 of 4
Iksar Junk META (Level 95, Tears of Veeshan)

Collectable: Iksar Puzzle Piece   Iksar Kitchen Pieces   Collectable: Iksar Symbol Coin   1 of 3
Iksar Scholar Stash (Level 100, Kunark Ascending)

Iksar Scholarly Spectacles   Collectable: Iksar Scholarly Robe   Iksar Scholarly Cards   Collectable: Iksar Scholarly Valise   Iksar Scholarly Hat   Iksar Scholarly Crest   4 of 6
In Veneration of the Elders (Level 95, Destiny of Velious)

A Relic of an Elder Ruby Drake   An Elder Sea Wyrm Relic   Collectable: A Relic of an Elder Shrine Golem   Collectable: A Relic of an Elder Shrine Gargoyle   Collectable: An Elder Emerald Drake Relic   Elder Hajnix's Relic   Elder Kajind's Relic   Elder Kalur's Relic   A Relic of an Elder Onyx Drake   6 of 9
Inhabitants of Guk (Level 110, Return to Guk)

Collectable: Mark of the Zol Knight   Collectable: Mark of the Guk Knight   Collectable: Mark of the Dar Knight   Mark of the Shin Knight   Collectable: Mark of the Krup Knight   Collectable: Mark of the Stormwarder   Mark of the Pushwhip   Collectable: Mark of the Yarddog   Collectable: Mark of the Malevolor   Collectable: Mark of the Wraithguard   Collectable: Mark of the Ghoul Lord   Mark of the Frenzied   Mark of the Froglok King   Mark of the Gukish Chef   Collectable: Mark of the Ykeshan Jailer   Collectable: Mark of Fetidspine   Mark of Throatpuncher   Collectable: Mark of the Deathbone   Collectable: Mark of the Prowler   Collectable: Mark of Ykesha   6 of 20
Innovator's Oil Flask (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Clockwork Essential Oils   Peppergrease Oil   Monnaclef Coating   Collectable: Enclypticus Toner   Venderdance Wax   Deepfill Glaze   Collectable: Hingetight Quickener   5 of 7
Ireful Items (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Irefully Uttered Whim   Collectable: Irefully Withheld Word   Irefully Strong Totem   Collectable: Irefully Welted Flesh   Collectable: Irefully Screamed Obscenity   2 of 5
Iron Slivers (Level 125, Shattered Overture)

Heated Iron Sliver   Collectable: Chilled Iron Sliver   Collectable: Vibrating Iron Sliver   Stable Iron Sliver   Collectable: Glassy Iron Sliver   2 of 5
Jack-O-Lantern Bits (Level 125, Shattered Overture)

Collectable: Torn Canvas Bit   Collectable: Ripped Burlap Bit   Mangled Pumpkin Bit   Collectable: Burnt Pumpkin Bit   Collectable: Severed Broomstick Handle   1 of 5
Jagged Shard of Frozen Flame (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Collectable: Dagger of the Flames   Collectable: Gauntlets of the Burning Prince   Collectable: Lance of the Flame Knight   Collectable: Obsidian Greatblade   Basalt Plated Pauldrons   Wand of the Firestorm   Collectable: Flame Encased Earring   2 of 7
Jonenry's Junk (Level 110, Fabled Kael Drakkel)

Jonenry's Strike   Faber's Hammer   Collectable: Faber's Tongs   Faber's Anvil   Faber's Forge   Collectable: Faber's Bucket   Faber's Gloves   5 of 7
Junker's Loot Bag (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Junker's Treasures   Collectable: Cold Steam Harness   Buckling Trap Trigger   Collectable: Sharp Chiseling Gear   Unbroken Bronze Rod   Hinged Crate Lever   Reinforced Jewel Band   5 of 7
Keepers of the Grotto (Level 95, Siren's Grotto)

Collectable: Coral Encrusted Shard   Deepwater Regal Scale   Seal of Darkwater   Shyneera's Sonnet   Veil of Allure   Vial of Volot's Slime   5 of 6
Kerig'Dal Relics (Level 90, Destiny of Velious)

Collectable: Sword of Kefzaanin   Collectable: Livia's Wand   Staff of Hypatia   Sigil of V'uul   Collectable: Ring of the Queen   Collectable: Vorticia's Honed Blade   Collectable: Aytali's Platinum Mace   Symbol of the Kerig'Dal   3 of 8
Kindle and Char (Level 100, Altar of Malice)

Scorched Flag   Collectable: Singed Map   Collectable: Burned Note   Collectable: Burnt Book   Collectable: Blackened Coin   1 of 5
King Klak'Anon Scepters META (Level 100, Fabled Echoes of Faydwer)

Scepter of the Klakdyne Eliminator   Collectable: Scepter of the Klakdroid Sentinel   Scepter of the Mechnamagica Drone   Collectable: Scepter of the Mechnamagica Hunter   Scepter of the Mechnamagica Seeker   Scepter of the Mechnamagica Technician   Scepter of the Mechnamagica Battler   Scepter of the Klakdyne Decimator   Scepter of the Klakdyne Worker   Scepter of the Klakdyne Zookeeper   Scepter of the Heavy Metal Decimator   Scepter of the Klakdyne Shredder   Scepter of the Klakdrone Ward   Scepter of the Klakdroid Gate Watcher   Scepter of the Klakdrone Watcher   13 of 15
King Tormax's Vindictation (Level 110, Fabled Kael Drakkel)

Collectable: Vindicator's Helm   Collectable: Vindicator's Blade   Vindicator's Rage   Collectable: Vindicator's Chaos   Collectable: Vindicator's Destruction   Collectable: Crown of King Tormax   Collectable: Scepter of King Tormax   1 of 7
Klandicar's Hoard (Level 95, Tears of Veeshan)

Shed Dragonhide   Mark of Chaos   Sigil of the Awakened   Collectable: Bones of the Legion   Rod of Control   Dragonhide Banner   5 of 6
Kor Va Xian's Relics (Level 120, Blood of Luclin)

Kor Va Xian's Dark Pact   Collectable: Kor Va Xian's Dark Omen   Collectable: Kor Va Xian's Shadow Burst   Kor Va Xian's Luclinite Bomb   Kor Va Xian's Aura   3 of 5
Kotiz's Dark Arcanum (Level 100, Kunark Ascending)

Kotiz's Illegible Scripts   Kotiz's Scrawled Glyphs   Kotiz's Marbled Cordial   Collectable: Kotiz's Sealed Contraption   Kotiz's Dormant Staff   Kotiz's Amplifying Amulet   5 of 6
Kromzek Empire (Level 110, Fabled Kael Drakkel)

How Noble is Our Cause   Kneel Before Zek   Strength of an Empire   Test of Military   War Rules All   Collectable: Will Over the Weak   5 of 6
Kusala'Din's Conjured (Level 130, Ballads of Zimara)

Conjured Calamity   Collectable: Milked Monstrosity   Collectable: Awakened Horror   Provoked Distress   Roused Beast   Recalled Atrocity   4 of 6
Lab Dust (Level 120, Reign of Shadows)

Collectable: Rock Dust   Collectable: Crumbled Plant Matter   Pocket Lint   Unidentifiable Powder   Animated Dustbunny   3 of 5
Lab Flasks (Level 120, Reign of Shadows)

Collectable: Lead-lined Lab Flask   Collectable: Wax-Sealed Lab Flask   Collectable: Fae-sized Lab Flask   Ogre-Sized Lab Flask   Blue Lab Flask   2 of 5
Lady Warglave's Relics (Level 120, Blood of Luclin)

Warglave's Holy Reckoning   Collectable: Warglave's Righteous Fury   Warglave's Flying Steed   Warglave's Divine Vengeance   Collectable: Warglave's Commands   3 of 5
Legends of the Dar Knight (Level 110, Return to Guk)

Collectable: Gauntlets of the Dar Knight   Flesh of the Dar Knight   Cutlass of the Dar Knight   Club of the Dar Knight   Collectable: Pouch of the Dar Knight   3 of 5
Legends of the Guk Knight (Level 110, Return to Guk)

Shield of the Guk Knight   Bracer of the Guk Knight   Eye of the Guk Knight   Pouch of the Guk Knight   Collectable: Shoulders of the Guk Knight   4 of 5
Legends of the Krup Knight (Level 110, Return to Guk)

Scimitar of the Krup Knight   Collectable: Tongue of the Krup Knight   Rucksack of the Krup Knight   Cleaver of the Krup Knight   Boots of the Krup Knight   4 of 5
Legends of the Zol Knight (Level 110, Return to Guk)

Collectable: Sword of the Zol Knight   Mace of the Zol Knight   Blood Covered Dagger of the Zol Knight   Armor of the Zol Knight   Blood of the Zol Knight   4 of 5
Like a Boss (Level 125, Renewal of Ro)

Cleavespine's Spine   Gobbler's Tail   Leafjaw's Jaw   Florafang's Fangs   Collectable: Tawerk's Toes   4 of 5
Loathsome Leftovers (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Collectable: Loathsomely Mumbled Occultism   Collectable: Loathsomely Hidden Nondisclosure   Collectable: Loathsomely Cracked Effigy   Loathsomely Severed Appendage   Collectable: Loathsomely Spilled Yearning   1 of 5
Locks over Zebuxoruk Secrets (Level 100, Kunark Ascending)

Zebuxoruk Binding Lock   Zebuxoruk Requisite Lock   Zebuxoruk Magically Sealed Lock   Zebuxoruk Fastened Lock   Collectable: Zebuxoruk Unbreakable Lock   Zebuxoruk Transfixed Lock   Zebuxoruk Mystically Charged Lock   Zebuxoruk Spellbound Lock   Zebuxoruk Impenetrable Lock   Zebuxoruk Intricate Lock   9 of 10
Lord Triskian Seru's Relics (Level 120, Blood of Luclin)

Collectable: Triskian's Chronoshift   Collectable: Triskian's Fourth Demension   Collectable: Triskian's Time Slide   Triskian's Time Slice   Collectable: Triskian's Temporal Interference   1 of 5
Lost Gnemlin Remains (Level 100, Terrors of Thalumbra)

Collectable: Lost Gnemlin's Spanner   Collectable: Lost Gnemlin's Map   Lost Gnemlin's Shoe   Lost Gnemlin's Provisions   Lost Gnemlin's Journal   Collectable: Lost Gnemlin's Compass   3 of 6
Lost Salvage Device (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Derelict Factory Fragments   Broken Belt Clip   Collectable: Torn Silt Strainer   Cracked Cauldron Shard   Collectable: Dulled Gear Tooth   Rusted Steam Whistle   Collectable: Incomplete Still Knob   4 of 7
Loupe of the Burning Prince (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Glyphs of Solar Focus   Collectable: Scalding Glyph   Scorching Glyph   Searing Glyph   Collectable: Blistering Glyph   Collectable: Withering Glyph   Burning Glyph   4 of 7
Luclin Treasures (Level 120, Reign of Shadows)

Ethereal Silk Sleeves   Collectable: Crystal Enervated Armbands   Collectable: Swordsmen's Armbands   Desecrated Platemail Vambraces   2 of 4
Madman's Mantle (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Collectable: Memoirs of Mental Decay   Chronicle of Degeneration   Psychopathic Ledger   Delusional Journal   Hysterical Treatise   Lunatic's Memos   Deranged Diary   6 of 7
Maedjinn's Requiem (Level 130, Ballads of Zimara)

Collectable: Folded Sheet Music   Collectable: Singed Sheet Music   Collectable: Scribbled Sheet Music   Collectable: Gilded Sheet Music   Collectable: Yellowed Sheet Music   Collectable: Delicate Sheet Music   Collectable: Dirty Sheet Music   Diamond-Flecked Sheet Music   Collectable: Platinum Etched Sheet Music   1 of 9
Maedjinn Symbols (Level 130, Ballads of Zimara)

Collectable: Maedjinn Sigil   Maedjinn Rune   Maedjinn Emblem   Maedjinn Cipher   Collectable: Maedjinn Shackle   Maedjinn Mark   4 of 6
Magics of Kusala'Din (Level 130, Ballads of Zimara)

Fiery Figment   Boiling Bubble   Collectable: Fervid Fiction   Collectable: Igneous Illusion   Collectable: Flaring Fantasy   Collectable: Fevered Fabrication   2 of 6
Magmalatorr's Magmas (Level 130, Ballads of Zimara)

Magmalatorr's Basalt Magma   Collectable: Magmalatorr's Felsic Magma   Collectable: Magmalatorr's Mafic Magma   Magmalatorr's Dacite Magma   Collectable: Magmalatorr's Diorite Magma   Magmalatorr's Ultramafic Magma   3 of 6
Magnified Vial (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Festering Bacteria Samples   Festering Mycobacteria Sample   Festering Spirochete Sample   Festering Spirilla Sample   Festering Corynebacter Sample   Festering Helicobacter Sample   Collectable: Festering Streptomyces Sample   6 of 7
Mammoth Fur Collection (Level 90, Destiny of Velious)

Collectable: Woolly Woolly Mammoth Fur   Matted Woolly Mammoth Fur   Collectable: Bristly Woolly Mammoth Fur   Stringy Woolly Mammoth Fur   Mangy Woolly Mammoth Fur   Shaggy Woolly Mammoth Fur   Musky Woolly Mammoth Fur   Bushy Woolly Mammoth Fur   6 of 8
Manacle of Disruption (Level 110, Chaos Descending)

Ensorcelled Metalcloth Cape   Ring of Flowing Stones   Collectable: Earthen Bile   2 of 3
Mark of Slaughter (Level 120, Reign of Shadows)

Short Sword of Slaughter   Gorget of Superiority   Gauntlets of Dark Embers   Shroud of Despair   Silver Skin Gauntlets   Gloves of Dark Summoning   Armguards of Piety   Cord of Insight   Necklace of Endless Concepts   Shroud of Oograll   Gorget of the Umbral Warden   Golden Ring of Eom Va Zethon   Fang of Gloomscale Ssyssyx   Blade of Vasszhin Zeom   Collectable: Shaded Cuirass of Ssraeshza   14 of 15
Marks of Heracyne (Level 100, Terrors of Thalumbra)

Strand of Heracyne's Web   Heracyne's Silk Strand   Droplet of Heracyne's Poison   Heracyne's Cocoon Fragment   Collectable: Husk of Heracyne's Dinner   Heracyne's Leg Hair   5 of 6
Master Assassin Armor (Level 120, Reign of Shadows)

Deadly Links   Bile Soaked Wire   Necrotic Backing   Collectable: Shadowed Woven Mesh   Collectable: Base of Assassination   3 of 5
Metallic Clockwork Contraption (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Ornate Gears   Golden Gear   Collectable: Silver Gear   Copper Gear   Nickel Gear   Chromium Gear   Brass Gear   6 of 7
Metallic Figurines (Level 130, Ballads of Zimara)

Collectable: Solid Copper Figurine   Solid Iron Figurine   Solid Gold Figurine   Solid Platinum Figurine   Collectable: Solid Silver Figurine   Collectable: Solid Palladium Figurine   3 of 6
Moldfist Weapons (Level 10, Darkpaw Rising)

Collectable: Moldfist Toothed Fist   Moldfist Wrapped Fist   Moldfist Tined Fist   Moldfist Razored Fist   Moldfist Blazing Fist   Collectable: Moldfist Darkened Fist   4 of 6
More Trafficked Body Parts (Level 125, Visions of Vetrovia)

Severed Barbarian Hand   Severed Erudite Limb   Collectable: Severed Gnome Leg   Severed Human Head   Collectable: Severed Kerra Tail   3 of 5
Mrogold's Keys (Level 110, Return to Guk)

Mrogold's Iron Key   Mrogold's Golden Key   Mrogold's Steel Key   Collectable: Mrogold's Mithril Key   Mrogold's Bronze Key   4 of 5
Mudpaw Relics (Level 130, Darkpaw Rising)

Collectable: Mudpaw Cruddy Relic   Collectable: Mudpaw Slimy Remnant   Collectable: Mudpaw Stained Keepsake   Collectable: Mudpaw Greasy Memento   Collectable: Mudpaw Begrimed Fragment   Mudpaw Defiled Curio   1 of 6
Mudpaw Weapons (Level 10, Darkpaw Rising)

Collectable: Mudpaw Victory Club   Collectable: Mudpaw Battle-Worn Club   Mudpaw Mud-Forged Club   Collectable: Mudpaw Adorned Club   Collectable: Mudpaw Chief's Club   Mudpaw Shaman's Club   2 of 6
My True Beloved (Level 20, Tome)

My True Beloved, Page 2   My True Beloved, Page 3   Collectable: My True Beloved, Page 5   Collectable: My True Beloved, Page 6   My True Beloved, Page 7   Collectable: My True Beloved, Page 9   Collectable: My True Beloved, Page 10   My True Beloved, Page 12   Collectable: My True Beloved, Page 13   my true beloved, an incomplete manuscript   5 of 10
Necrotic Keepsake (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Collectable: Necrotic Germs   Sarcodimon Filament   Rhizonis Karyote   Mycetonic Tendril   Giardinal Ciliate   Blepharismic Strain   Collectable: Euglenic Metazoa   5 of 7
Neh'Ashiir Handmaiden's Jewelry (Level 100, Kunark Ascending)

Precious Gem Bracelet   Opulent Gem Locket   Beautiful Gem Bangle   Collectable: Glossy Glass Beads   Lavish Gem Pendant   Sparkling Gem Brooch   5 of 6
Neocorus' Novelties (Level 110, Fabled Kael Drakkel)

Collectable: Torldr's Inquisition   Collectable: Neocorus' Vial   Neocorus' Blood   Neocorus' Boots   Neocorus' Wand   Collectable: Neocorus' Law   Neocorus' Spell   4 of 7
Neriad Weapon Cache (Level 95, Siren's Grotto)

Algae Covered Greatblade   Algae Covered Longsword   Algae Covered Mace   Algae Covered Shortsword   Collectable: Algae Covered Spear   Algae Covered Staff   5 of 6
Nuts and Bolts (Level 120, Reign of Shadows)

Collectable: Size 6 Gizmo   Collectable: Containment Unit Bolt   Display Case Screw   Collectable: Broken Sprocket   Collectable: Titanium Gear   Rusty Bent Nail   2 of 6
Obsidian Forest Samples (Level 100, Terrors of Thalumbra)

Collectable: Petrified Splinter   Petrified Leaf   Collectable: Petrified Twig   Petrified Root   Petrified Bark Fragment   Petrified Stem   4 of 6
Obulus Frontier Acquisition (Level 100, Kunark Ascending)

Luclin Vestige of Obulus Frontier   Collectable: Cryptic Vestige of Dalnir   Collectable: Undead Vestige of Kaesora   Collectable: Ancient Vestige of City of Mist   Collectable: Godly Vestige of Arcanna'se Spire   Collectable: Chaotic Vestige of Sathirian Dynasty   1 of 6
Oil and Feathered META (Level 95, Tears of Veeshan)

Collectable: Baby Dragon Egg   Light the Sky   Bird Beak   2 of 3
Overrealm Instruments (Level 130, Ballads of Zimara)

Collectable: Sang'Huuu Fiddle   Collectable: Sang'Huuu Flute   Collectable: Sang'Huuu Piccolo   Collectable: Sang'Huuu Celesta   Collectable: Sang'Huuu Ocarina   Collectable: Yazdani Erhu   Collectable: Yazdani Harp   Yazdani Shofar   Collectable: Yazdani Lur   Collectable: Yazdani Cornu   Vaashkaani Kitar   Vaashkaani Euphonium   Collectable: Vaashkaani Cornet   Collectable: Vaashkaani Saxhorn   Collectable: Vaashkaani Tenor Horn   3 of 15
Pebble Crusher (Level 120, Reign of Shadows)

Collectable: War Bloodied Hammer Head   Dusk Harvested Handle   Collectable: Amulet of Obscurity   Tanned Sonic Hide Cord   Crux of Dimness   3 of 5
Petrified Pieces META (Level 95, Tears of Veeshan)

Dried Flower   Collectable: Dried Seeds   Dried Bones   Petrified Rock   3 of 4
Pickclaw Clothing (Level 110, Fabled Runnyeye: The Gathering)

Picklock's Pouch   Skinweaver's Leather Sandals   Collectable: Scrounger's Bag   Drunkard's Tunic   Thumper's Leather Gloves   4 of 5
Pickclaw Pounders (Level 110, Fabled Runnyeye: The Gathering)

Pickclaw Thumper Thumper   Collectable: Pickclaw Wrecka Wrecker   Pickclaw Drunkard Tankard   Pickclaw Scrounger Scrunker   Pickclaw Varmint Vamooser   4 of 5
Pickclaw Protectoring (Level 110, Fabled Runnyeye: The Gathering)

Pickclaw Picklock Pouch   Collectable: Pickclaw Skinweaver Weaving   Pickclaw Skinpeeler Peeling   Collectable: Pickclaw Scrounger Screener   Pickclaw Mistmystic Masker   3 of 5
Pickclaw Talisman (Level 110, Fabled Runnyeye: The Gathering)

Talisman of the Picklock   Talisman of the Skinweaver   Talisman of the Skinpeeler   Collectable: Talisman of the Wrecka   Talisman of the Varmint   4 of 5
Pillage and Plunder (Level 100, Altar of Malice)

A Bag of Coins   Collectable: Platinum Ring   Silvered Bracelet   Silver Jug   Golden Hoop Earring   4 of 5
Pillars of Sunlight (Level 100, Kunark Ascending)

Shattered Daylight Beam   Fractured Daytime Beam   Collectable: Split Sunshine Beam   Divided Sunrise Beam   Scattered Dawn Beam   Peppered Sunlight Beam   5 of 6
Pirate Coat Buttons (Level 100, Altar of Malice)

Golden Silversmith Button   Silver Swirl Button   Collectable: Golden Shank Button   Bone-Carved Pants Button   Silver Shank Button   Bone-Carved Vest Button   5 of 6
Planar Astrolabe META (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Collectable: Small Tinkered Contraption   Collectable: Metallic Clockwork Contraption   Collectable: Tin Star Earring   Collectable: Circlet of Mystery   Master Control Device   1 of 5
Planar Disease Ward META (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Necromancer's Scythe   Collectable: Magnified Vial   Bertoxxulous Urn   Collectable: Madman's Mantle   Essence of Malaise   3 of 5
Planar Storm Flux META (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

The Key Master Pendant   Cumulonimbus Rune   Karana's Primal Seal   Collectable: Cloudburst Hailstone   Collectable: Cacophony Drum   3 of 5
Planes of Prophecy Expert Heroic Collection (Level 110, Expert Recognition)

Askr's Wine Chalice   Black Aviak Feather   Chimes of the Four Winds   Belt of Crystallized Rain   Original Torden Designs   Apothecary's Instruments   Bracer of Rotting Bile   Wounded Flesh   Blepharismic Strain   Primal Plague Remnants   Sentinel Sequence   Chromium Balance Wheel   Clockwork Essential Oils   Junker's Treasures   Broken Belt Clip   Collectable: Dark Efreeti Sigil   Collectable: Flame Tyrant's Pendants   Flaming Phoenix Feather   Gauntlets of the Burning Prince   Scalding Glyph   18 of 20
Planeswalker's Drapery (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Collectable: Torn Fragment of an Elemental Cloak   Collectable: Torn Remnant of an Elemental Cloak   Torn Shred of an Elemental Cloak   Collectable: Torn Scrap of an Elemental Cloak   1 of 4
Planeswalker's Sash (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Collectable: Ripped Fragment of a Planar Sash   Collectable: Ripped Remnant of a Planar Sash   Ripped Shred of a Planar Sash   Collectable: Ripped Scrap of a Planar Sash   1 of 4
Poked Out Boss Peepers (Level 110, Fabled Runnyeye: The Gathering)

Burrtoe's Poked Out Eye   Xorxx's Poked Out Eye   Collectable: Malleg's Poked Out Eye   Collectable: Marrowgut's Poked Out Eye   Kanar's Poked Out Eye   Collectable: Mayka's Poked Out Eye   Collectable: Slamhammer's Poked Out Eye   Collectable: Snok's Poked Out Eye   Collectable: Siltsea's Poked Out Eye   Vohan's poked Out Eye   4 of 10
Possessions of Gynok Moltor (Level 82, Shadow Odyssey)

Gynok Moltor's Gambesons   Gynok Moltor's Quintain   Gynok Moltor's Palliass   Gynok Moltor's Spurs   Collectable: Gynok Moltor's Visor   Gynok Moltor's Dagger   Gynok Moltor's Riding Belt   Gynok Moltor's Crested Ring   Gynok Moltor's Broken Shield   Gynok Moltor's Gilded Cup   9 of 10

Potions, Transcendence of Life and Death  Volume II Page 15   Potions, Transcendence of Life and Death  Volume II Page 11   Potions, Transcendence of Life and Death  Volume II Page 12   Collectable: Potions, Transcendence of Life and Death  Volume II Page 13   Potions, Transcendence of Life and Death  Volume II Page 14   4 of 5
Power Cells (Level 100, Fabled Echoes of Faydwer)

Golden Power Cell   Collectable: Charged Power Cell   Iron Power Cell   Copper Power Cell   Eruptive Power Cell   4 of 5
Primal Plague Keepsake (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Primal Plague Remnants   Collectable: Malarian Postulary   Necrotic Scalpel   Collectable: Pox-ridden Blanket   Fossilized Flesh Scraps   Preserved Toxin Dish   Contaminated Bindings   5 of 7
Primis' Premire (Level 110, Fabled Kael Drakkel)

Collectable: Arkend's Bolt   Collectable: Primis' Sigil   Primis' Wand   Primis' Boots   Primis' Pen   Primis' Symbol   Primis' Cloak   5 of 7
Proceeding of Rak'Ashiir's Lost Faith META (Level 100, Kunark Ascending)

Collectable: City's Demise Groundwork   Collectable: Runaway Bride Affair   Collectable: Stolen Daughter Tragedy   Collectable: Eternal Undead Shroud   Collectable: Skewed Citizen Memories   Spouse Murder Plan   1 of 6
Prysmerah, Arx Patrona's Relics (Level 120, Blood of Luclin)

Prysmerah's Arx Fire   Prysmerah's Hot Scales   Collectable: Prysmerah's Arx Divinitus   Collectable: Prysmerah's Toxic Flames   Collectable: Prysmerah's Unmoving Stature   2 of 5
Ptor's Particulars (Level 110, Fabled Kael Drakkel)

Collectable: Ptor's Knowledge   Praefectus' Belt   Collectable: Praefectus' Book   Praefectus' Statue   Praefectus' Tome   Praefectus' Sash   Praefectus' Hauberk   5 of 7
Purpyron the Massive's Relics (Level 120, Blood of Luclin)

Purpyron's Crumbling Kick   Collectable: Purpyron's Massive Slice   Purpyron's Devastating Swath   Collectable: Purpyron's Slam   Purpyron's Crumbling Blow   3 of 5
Puzzle Solved (Level 95, Tears of Veeshan)

Collectable: Round Puzzle Piece   Collectable: Double Sided Puzzle Piece   Blurry Puzzle Piece   Textured Puzzle Piece   Jagged Puzzle Piece   3 of 5
Ragebourne Relics (Level 90, Destiny of Velious)

Tattered Belt of Rage   Spiked Cudgel of Rage   Collectable: Scorched Wand of Rage   Roughcut Band of Rage   Collectable: Roughcut Ragestone   Collectable: Glowing Orb of Rage   Collectable: Glowing Hammer of Rage   Symbol of Rage   4 of 8
Rare Ocean Maps META (Level 100, Altar of Malice)

Straits of Twelve Map   Collectable: Sea of Sands Map   Gunthak Flow Map   Collectable: Ocean of Tears Map   Sea of Crossed Swords Map   3 of 5
Rascals and Scoundrels (Level 100, Altar of Malice)

Kildiun the Drunkard's Flask   Collectable: Deckgang's Sigil   Cheated Drunk's Grog   Collectable: Cheated Swabbie's Boot   Collectable: Cheated Rigger's Gloves   2 of 5
Reign of Shadows (Level 120, Reign of Shadows)

Hammer of Gorehorn   Idol of the Grimling Sorceress   Collectable: Gok Thok's Wand   Collectable: Scepter of the Bogling Chieftain   Collectable: Crown of the Great Saprophyte   Claw of Khati Sha   Emblem of Vex Thal   4 of 7
Rejected Tomes (Level 125, Renewal of Ro)

Breath of Sand   Bubonian Healers   Collectable: In the Company of Bliss   Stampede of the Aviaks   Survivors of the Party   4 of 5
Relics of the Goblin Hero (Level 85, Runnyeye: The Gathering)

Naggresh's Battleworn Gloves   Naggresh's Battleworn Cloak   Naggresh's Battleworn Shield   Naggresh's Battleworn Great Spear of Many Noggins   Naggresh's Battleworn Helm   Collectable: Naggresh's Battleworn Vest   Naggresh's Battleworn Short Sword   Collectable: Naggresh's Battleworn Leggings   Collectable: Naggresh's Battleworn Boots   Naggresh's Battleworn Satchel   7 of 10
Remnants of the Forgotten (Level 100, Terrors of Thalumbra)

Remnant of Passion   Remnant of Growth   Collectable: Remnant of Fire   Collectable: Remnant of Magic   Collectable: Remnant of Disease   Collectable: Remnant of Eternity   2 of 6
Remnants of the Titans (Level 130, Ballads of Zimara)

Fist of the Golden Titan   Collectable: Fist of the Silver Titan   Collectable: Fist of the Copper Titan   Foot of the Golden Titan   Collectable: Foot of the Silver Titan   Collectable: Foot of the Copper Titan   2 of 6
Renewal of Ro (Level 125, Renewal of Ro)

Thorns of Growth   Wings of Growth   Leaves of Growth   Collectable: Takish'Hiz Stone   Consonant Interval   Dissonant Interval   5 of 6
Research Samples (Level 120, Reign of Shadows)

Sample of Unidentified Skin   Collectable: Sample of Green Blood   Collectable: Sample of Purple Plant Matter   Collectable: Sample of an Amygdalan Tentacle   Collectable: Sample of Lich Ectoplasm   Sample of Odd Goo   2 of 6
Research Tools (Level 120, Reign of Shadows)

Collectable: Cracked Alembic   Collectable: Glass Retort   Magical Burner   Collectable: Glass Stirring Rod   Magical Containment Spell   2 of 5
Resven's Requirements (Level 110, Fabled Kael Drakkel)

Collectable: Resven's Thunder Clap   Mittendarius's Rampage   Collectable: Mittendarius's Rule   Mittendarius's Temper   Collectable: Mittendarius's Helm   Collectable: Mittendarius's Chain   Collectable: Mittendarius's Whip   2 of 7
Rifle and Loot (Level 100, Altar of Malice)

Collectable: Ruby and Gold Ring   Skull Etched Earring   Glowing Blue Stone   Priceless Velium Chain   Black Opal Pendant   4 of 5
Ring Around the Neck META (Level 95, Tears of Veeshan)

Drinalian Necklace   Collectable: Dandylion Charm   Bone Necklace   Amber Necklace   Opalescent Necklace   Tunaria's Necklace   5 of 6
Rockpaw Relics (Level 130, Darkpaw Rising)

Rockpaw Hammered Relic   Collectable: Rockpaw Shaped Remnant   Collectable: Rockpaw Worked Fragment   Collectable: Rockpaw Trodden Memento   Collectable: Rockpaw Pounded Keepsake   Rockpaw Stamped Curio   2 of 6
Rockpaw Weapons (Level 10, Darkpaw Rising)

Collectable: Rockpaw Flint Spear   Rockpaw Toothed Spear   Collectable: Rockpaw Fur-Handled Spear   Collectable: Rockpaw Gut-Wrapped Spear   Collectable: Rockpaw Rusted Spear   Rockpaw Polished Spear   2 of 6
Ropscion Mindeye's Relics (Level 120, Blood of Luclin)

Ropscion's Winds of Death   Ropscion's Cap Blast   Ropscion's Burning Slime   Collectable: Ropscion's Acidic Slough   Ropscion's Toxic Fire   4 of 5
Rotting Flesh Armor (Level 120, Reign of Shadows)

Collectable: Salted Dried Rotted Flesh   Supple Fawn Skin Backing   Collectable: Ichor Coated Cord   Collectable: Rough Iron Hooks   Collectable: Fundamental Adumbration   1 of 5
Runes of Fate (Level 95, Sentinel's Fate)

Collectable: Rune of Theer   Rune of Al'Kabor   Rune of El'Arad   Rune of Fyr'remd   3 of 4
Sabaron's Palace Collection (Level 90, Desert of Flames)

Sul'Dal Relic   Planar Invasion Orders   Broken Lamp   Collectable: Djinn Scimitar   Planar Air Fragment   Djinn Scarf   5 of 6
Sabertooth Relics (Level 130, Darkpaw Rising)

Collectable: Sabertooth Bloodied Relic   Collectable: Sabertooth Ragged Remnant   Collectable: Sabertooth Marred Keepsake   Collectable: Sabertooth Filthy Memento   Collectable: Sabertooth Twisted Fragment   Sabertooth Smashed Curio   1 of 6
Sabertooth Weapons (Level 10, Darkpaw Rising)

Fur-lined Club   Leather-Wrapped Knife   Collectable: Rusted Iron Bastard Sword   Collectable: Bone-Ribbed Shield   Tooth-Adorned Staff   Feathered Blood Staff   4 of 6
Sable Shoes of Flame (Level 110, Chaos Descending)

Collectable: Sable Shoes   Mark of Ro   Collectable: Charm of Embers   Element of Flare   Insignia of the Ragelord   3 of 5
Sacred Parchments of the Nizari (Level 100, Fabled Fallen Dynasty)

Words of Nizari Bloodpacts   Words of the Nizari'zhi   Words of Nizari Silence   Collectable: Words of Nizari Laws   Words of Nizari Ascension   4 of 5
Sacred Weapons of the Nizari (Level 100, Fabled Fallen Dynasty)

Denizen Blade of Station   Praetor Blade of Station   Collectable: Nizari Sword of Station   Nizari'zhi Sword of Station   Collectable: Vindicae Sword of Station   3 of 5
Sanctus Seru Station Insignias (Level 120, Blood of Luclin)

Collectable: Insignia of the Echelon Archer   Collectable: Insignia of the Echelon Guard   Collectable: Insignia of the Echelon Knight   Collectable: Insignia of the Luminary Ranger   Collectable: Insignia of the Luminary Sorcerer   Collectable: Insignia of the Resident Cook   Collectable: Insignia of the Resident Smith   Collectable: Insignia of the Resident Bowyer   Collectable: Insignia of the Resident Scribe   Collectable: Insignia of the Resident Tanner   Collectable: Insignia of the Luminary Paladin   Collectable: Insignia of the Luminary Priest   Insignia of the Custos of Seru   Insignia of the Praetorian   Collectable: Insignia of the Praetor   Collectable: Insignia of the Vigilum   2 of 16
Sandscrawler Safeblockers (Level 110, Fabled Runnyeye: The Gathering)

Sandscrawler Patroller Protectoring   Sandscrawler Shiv Shelterer   Collectable: Sandswcrawler Tamer Trencher   Sandscrawler Gritwitch Guarding   Collectable: Sandscrawler Forger Forter   3 of 5
Sandscrawler Sockers (Level 110, Fabled Runnyeye: The Gathering)

Collectable: Sandscrawler Patcher Puncher   Collectable: Sandscrawler Shiv Shiver   Collectable: Sandscrawler Gritwitch Greeter   Sandscrawler Forger Forcer   Collectable: Sandscrawler Tamer Tapper   1 of 5
Sarnak Arcane Defenses META (Level 100, Kunark Ascending)

Exposed Art of The Kly   Concealed Craft of Rile   Collectable: Keeper Charge of Xalgoz   Unfulfilled Pact of Kotiz   Barrier Illusion of Rile's Phylactery   Captivity Curse of Rak'Ashiir   Ancient Masking of the Deities   Patient Desire of Resurrection   7 of 8
Scornful Remnants (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Scornfully Spoken Spell   Collectable: Scornfully Kept Secret   Scornfully Powerful Talisman   Scornfully Gory Scrap   Scornfully Thought Desire   4 of 5
Seaweed Woven Leggings (Level 110, Chaos Descending)

Leathery Leggings   Collectable: Mark of Kelp   Nereid Charm   Collectable: Elements of Influx   Insignia of Rippling   3 of 5
Seeds of Destruction (Level 125, Renewal of Ro)

Collectable: An Efflorescent Artemisia   Collectable: An Efflorescent Astilbe   Collectable: An Efflorescent Camellia   An Efflorescent Columbine   Collectable: An Efflorescent Dahlia   An Efflorescent Foxglove   Collectable: An Efflorescent Gladiolus   An Efflorescent Hyacinth   An Efflorescent Marigold   Collectable: An Efflorescent Oleander   Collectable: An Efflorescent Wisteria   Collectable: An Efflorescent Yarrow   4 of 12
Sentinel Golem Composition (Level 100, Kunark Ascending)

Collectable: Swart Clumped Clay   Slate Amassed Obsidian   Starless Merged Argil   Collectable: Onyx Assorted Marl   Livid Embodied Basalt   Ebony Fused Loam   4 of 6
Shadow Overlord's Relics (Level 120, Blood of Luclin)

Shadow Overlord's Rune of Shadows   Shadow Overlord's Rune of Magic   Collectable: Shadow Overlord's Rune of Physical   Shadow Overlord's Whisper of Shadow   Collectable: Shadow Overlord's Umbral Darkness   3 of 5
Shadow Rhozth Ikeshzi's Relics (Level 120, Blood of Luclin)

Rhozth's Scales of Shadow   Rhozth's Deafening Cold   Rhozth's Chillblaze   Collectable: Rhozth's Shards of Ice   Rhozth's Dark Blizzard   4 of 5
Shadowbane Trappings (Level 125, Renewal of Ro)

Robes of the Shadowbane   Slippers of the Shadowbane   Wand of the Shadowbane   Tome of the Shadowbane   Symbol of the Shadowbane   Collectable: Orb of the Shadowbane   5 of 6
Shards of Light (Level 95, Tears of Veeshan)

Flickering Blue Candle   Collectable: Green Candle   Purple Candle   Collectable: Dull Orange Candle   Red Candle   Light Blue Candle   Yellow Candle   5 of 7
Ship Wheels META (Level 100, Altar of Malice)

Queen's Revenge   Collectable: Loyal Swabby   Royal Opulence   Golden Trinity   Norrath's Galley   4 of 5
Shroomblight Insignia (Level 130, Darkpaw Rising)

Collectable: Blight-Marked Stone   Collectable: Woe-Marked Scrap   Collectable: Rot-Marked Stone   Collectable: Bane-Marked Scrap   Collectable: Blood-Blotted Scrap   Gore-Marked Stone   1 of 6
Shroomblight Talisman (Level 10, Darkpaw Rising)

Talisman of Affliction   Collectable: Talisman of Canker   Talisman of Pestilence   Collectable: Talisman of Rot   Collectable: Talisman of Withering   Collectable: Talisman of Decay   2 of 6
Sigils of Allegiance (Level 95, Fabled)

Sigil of Allegiance: Aravu Naga   Sigil of Allegiance: Ashen Disciples   Sigil of Allegiance: Ashen Order   Sigil of Allegiance: Char'Gin   Sigil of Allegiance: Court of the Master Djinn   Collectable: Sigil of Allegiance: Sandscrawlers   Sigil of Allegiance: Windsisters   6 of 7
Simple Ring of Purity (Level 110, Chaos Descending)

Simple Ring   Hymn of Purity   Collectable: Stamp of Xegony   Ink of Kingdoms   Signet of Eryslai   4 of 5
Skarl's Scraps (Level 110, Fabled Kael Drakkel)

Collectable: Skarl's Circle of Storms   Legatus' Badge   Collectable: Legatus' Iron   Collectable: Legatus' Shackle   Collectable: Legatus' Leather Boots   Collectable: Legatus' Command   Collectable: Legatus' Medal   1 of 7
Sleeper's Tomb Hoard (Level 92, Destiny of Velious)

Aegis of the Shrine   Amulet of the Shrine   Signet of the Shrine   Collectable: Ring of the Shrine   Collectable: Torque of the Shrine   Armband of the Shrine   Tome of the Shrine   5 of 7
Sleeper's Tomb Legacy (Level 92, Destiny of Velious)

Primal Black Dragon Talisman   Collectable: Primal Gold Dragon Talisman   Collectable: Primal Silver Dragon Talisman   Primal Storm Dragon Talisman   2 of 4
Sleeper's Tomb Trinkets (Level 92, Destiny of Velious)

Drakeen Controller's Wing   Forbidding Gargoyle's Shard   Furious Phantasm's Robe   Master of the Guard's Key   Memoirs of Milas An'Rev   Sinister Gargoyle's Claw   Collectable: Progenitor's Final Orders   6 of 7
Sleeper's Tomb Weapons (Level 92, Destiny of Velious)

Collectable: Premier Axe of Secundae   Premier Lance of Secundae   Premier Brawl Stick of Secundae   Premier Stiletto of Secundae   Premier Staff of Secundae   Premier Bow of Secundae   Premier Claymore of Secundae   6 of 7
Sleeping Crypt Fractured Vase (Level 100, Kunark Ascending)

Tomb Broken Fragment   Tomb Ceramic Fragment   Tomb Decorative Fragment   Tomb Glazed Fragment   Tomb Pottery Fragment   Collectable: Tomb Ware Fragment   5 of 6
Small Tinkered Contraption (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Tinkerer's Necessities   Rusty Metal Scrap   Corroded Metal Scrap   Polished Metal Scrap   Refined Metal Scrap   Collectable: Tarnished Metal Scrap   Gilded Metal Scrap   6 of 7
Soren's Specifics (Level 110, Fabled Kael Drakkel)

Collectable: Soren's Vindication   Collectable: Soren's Boots   Collectable: Soren's Legacy   Collectable: Soren's Ire   Collectable: Soren's Greaves   Collectable: Soren's Scabbard   Soren's Vengeance   1 of 7
Spells of the Ancients (Level 92, Destiny of Velious)

Spell: Primal Avatar   Spell: Drakeen Vortex   Collectable: Spell: Screeching Ricochet   Spell: Devastating Frills   Spell: Freezing Breath   Spell: Stream of Acid   Spell: Mezmerizing Breath   6 of 7
Spire of Rage Runes and Gemstones (Level 90, Destiny of Velious)

Glyphed Rune Word   Collectable: Small Sparkling Gem   Collectable: Blood-fueled Amber   Collectable: Opal of Seething   Fire Emerald of Burning   Collectable: Rune of Conquering   Collectable: Rune of Vengeance   Collectable: Glyphed Rune Crystal   2 of 8
Spirits of Takish'Hiz (Level 125, Renewal of Ro)

Sigil of the Chronicler   Rune of the Archivist   Collectable: Glyph of the Scroll Keeper   Collectable: Petrified Tome   Collectable: An Efflorescent Bloom   Collectable: Nature's Shard of Emotions   2 of 6
Spoor of Clan Barkgut (Level 100, Terrors of Thalumbra)

Barkgut Burrow Padding   Barkgut Saliva   Collectable: Barkgut Scruff Fur   Collectable: Barkgut Claw Trimming   Barkgut Broken Fang   Barkgut Scent Marking   4 of 6
Sporist Relics (Level 10, Darkpaw Rising)

Icon of Utricle   Icon of Vacuole   Collectable: Icon of Cellule   Collectable: Icon of Haematid   Icon of Follicle   Icon of Seed   4 of 6
Stalker Wings (Level 10, Darkpaw Rising)

Collectable: Torn Stalker Wing   Collectable: Burnt Stalker Wing   Collectable: Severed Stalker Wing   Chewed Stalker Wing   Collectable: Tanned Stalker Wing   Collectable: Painted Stalker Wing   1 of 6
Stolen Dreadfell Shoes (Level 125, Visions of Vetrovia)

Filched Blightress Boot   Snatched Soulweaver Slipper   Collectable: Poached Exorciser Pump   Swiped Soulreaver Sandal   Collectable: Bagged Bewitcheress Boot   3 of 5
Stolen Glintswift Insignia (Level 125, Visions of Vetrovia)

Pinched Glintswift Emblem   Collectable: Purloined Glintswift Earmark   Collectable: Poached Glintswift Cast   Plundered Glintswift Brand   Pirated Glintswift Imprint   3 of 5
Stone Etched War Sword (Level 110, Chaos Descending)

Collectable: War Sword   Collectable: Mark of Runes   Charm of Slashing   Collectable: Element of Sand   Collectable: Insignia of Grit   1 of 5
Stones of the Ancients (Level 92, Destiny of Velious)

Green Resistance Stone   Red Resistance Stone   White Resistance Stone   Collectable: Blue Resistance Stone   Collectable: Corrupted Gargoyle Stone   Shimmering Phantasm Stone   Opalescent Gargoyle Stone   5 of 7
Storm Giant Beard Collection (Level 90, Destiny of Velious)

Braided Storm Giant Beard   Collectable: Beaded Storm Giant Beard   Knotted Storm Giant Beard   Curled Storm Giant Beard   Tangled Storm Giant Beard   Frazzled Storm Giant Beard   5 of 6
Stven's Stock (Level 110, Fabled Kael Drakkel)

Collectable: Stven's Betrayal   Quartermaster's Log   Collectable: Quartermaster's Chest   Collectable: Quartermaster's Blade   Quartermaster's Watch   Quartermaster's Gauntlet   Collectable: Quartermaster's Barrel   3 of 7
Stygian Threshold Keepsakes META (Level 100, Terrors of Thalumbra)

Valiant Keepsake   Collectable: Silken Keepsake   Collectable: Underfoot Keepsake   Collectable: Petrified Keepsake   Collectable: Gnawed Keepsake   1 of 5
Swamp Terrors (Level 130, Ballads of Zimara)

Mephitic Mosquito Wing   Mephitic Mosquito Thorax   Collectable: Probing Proboscis   Corpse Eater Gland   Collectable: Corpse Eater Lobe   Corpse Eater Leaf Blade   4 of 6
Sword of Primordial Power (Level 110, Chaos Descending)

Fire Crested Runed Belt   Collectable: Simple Ring of Purity   Clay Bracers of the Golem   Hammer of Crushing Waves   3 of 4
Swordsmen's Armbands (Level 120, Reign of Shadows)

Collectable: Fine Electrum Wire   Polished Luclizite Coils   Root of Approbation   Fine Wolf Hide Lining   Intricate Golden Buckle   Rhino Beetle Ichor   Collectable: Quality of Prowess   5 of 7
Tales of Kael Drakkel META (Level 90, Destiny of Velious)

Tales of Kael Drakkel Page 1   Tales of Kael Drakkel Page 2   Collectable: Tales of Kael Drakkel Page 3   Tales of Kael Drakkel Page 4   Tales of Kael Drakkel Page 5   Collectable: Tales of Kael Drakkel Page 6   4 of 6
Tales of the Kromzek META (Level 90, Destiny of Velious)

Collectable: Tales of the Kromzek Page 1   Tales of the Kromzek Page 2   Collectable: Tales of the Kromzek Page 3   1 of 3
Tales of the Tower META (Level 90, Destiny of Velious)

Tales of the Tower Page 1   Tales of the Tower Page 2   Collectable: Tales of the Tower Page 3   2 of 3
Talismans of the Ancients (Level 92, Destiny of Velious)

Klandicar's Talisman   Lendiniara's Talisman   Hsagra's Talisman   Sontalak's Talisman   Yelinak's Talisman   Collectable: Zlandicar's Talisman   5 of 6
Tallon's Sigils (Level 90, Destiny of Velious)

Collectable: Sigil of the Beholder   Collectable: Sigil of Strategy   Sigil of Planning   Collectable: Sigil of Command   Collectable: Sigil of Battle   Collectable: Sigil of the Bow   Collectable: Sigil of Design   Collectable: Sigil of Force   1 of 8
Temple of Rallos Zek Holy Symbols (Level 90, Destiny of Velious)

Burnished Rallosian Holy Symbol   Collectable: Scuffed Rallosian Holy Symbol   Collectable: Carved Rallosian Holy Symbol   Ivory Rallosian Holy Symbol   Collectable: Brass Rallosian Holy Symbol   Tarnished Rallosian Holy Symbol   Collectable: Golden Rallosian Holy Symbol   Platinum Rallosian Holy Symbol   4 of 8
Thalumbra Indicia META (Level 100, Terrors of Thalumbra)

Indicium of the Aberrant   Collectable: Indicium of Thalumbra   Indicium of the Ill-Seen One   Indicium of the Dhalgar   Collectable: Indicium of the Stygian Threshold   Indicium of the Underfoot   Indicium of Kralet Penumbra   Indicium of the Masterful   6 of 8
The Chronicles of Velious META (Level 90, Destiny of Velious)

Tales of the Great Divide   Tales of Eastern Wastes   Collectable: Tales of Kael Drakkel   Collectable: Tales of the Tower   Tales of Velketor's Labyrinth   Collectable: Tales of the Kromzek   Collectable: Tales of Drunder   3 of 7
The Deadly Dapperling's Relics (Level 120, Blood of Luclin)

Dapperling's Lethal Inflection   Dapperling's Flamatoxin   Dapperling's Amatoxin   Collectable: Dapperling's Paludal Pow   Dapperling's Furious Bite   4 of 5
The Deckgang's Deck (Level 100, Altar of Malice)

Collectable: The Boatswain's Jackal   The Fool   Collectable: Dirty Gertie   The Butcher of Brokenskull Bay   The Captain's Clover   3 of 5
The First Vision (Level 62, Tome)

The First Vision, page 1   Collectable: The First Vision, page 2   The First Vision, page 3   The First Vision, page 4   The First Vision, page 5   4 of 5
The Golden Scarab (Level 110, Fabled Runnyeye: The Gathering)

Collectable: Golden Scarab Leg   Collectable: Golden Scarab Thorax   Collectable: Golden Scarab Eye   Golden Scarab Head   1 of 4
The Nails That Built Guk (Level 110, Return to Guk)

Steel Nail   Collectable: Copper Nail   Collectable: Bronze Nail   Silver Nail   Golden Nail   Collectable: Iron Nail   Collectable: Ruthenium Nail   Ebon Nail   Collectable: Rhodium Nail   Collectable: Vanadium Nail   Indium Nail   Xegonite Nail   Tynnonium Nail   Kaborite Nail   Titanium Nail   Collectable: Osmium Nail   Tungsten Nail   Lumium Nail   Bornite Nail   Rubicite Nail   13 of 20

Collectable: Necropolis of Lxanvon, Vol. II, page 1   Collectable: Necropolis of Lxanvon, Vol. II, page 2   Necropolis of Lxanvon, Vol. II, page 3   Necropolis of Lxanvon, Vol. II, page 4   Necropolis of Lxanvon, Vol. II, page 5   3 of 5

The Stone Frum Pazt, Vol. II, page 1   The Stone Frum Pazt, Vol. II, page 2   The Stone Frum Pazt, Vol. II, page 3   Collectable: The Stone Frum Pazt, Vol. II, page 4   Collectable: The Stone Frum Pazt, Vol. II, page 5   Collectable: The Stone Frum Pazt, Vol. II, page 6   The Stone Frum Pazt, Vol. II, page 7   Collectable: The Stone Frum Pazt, Vol. II, page 8   4 of 8
Tides of War META (Level 95, Cobalt Scar)

Cobalt Scar Stone of Melody   Collectable: Alluring Siren's Stone   Tavalan Gem   Siren's Grotto Remembrance Stone   3 of 4
Tin Star Earring (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Invention Relics   Collectable: Compound Steelshaft Bow   Pulsing Phase Emitter   Cog Encrusted Epaulets   Half-Spiked Sprocket   Metal-Flecked Wirespun Sleeves   Bellows Crafted Cap   6 of 7
Torden Lightning Rod (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Original Torden Designs   Lightning Tower Sketch   Collectable: Blizzard Tower Model   Collectable: Tornado Tower Rendering   Sandstorm Tower Blueprint   Torden Courtyard Sketch   Karana's Approval Seal   5 of 7
Trade Baroness Elsindir's Relics (Level 120, Blood of Luclin)

Collectable: Elsindir's Economic Sphere   Elsindir's Bait-and-Switch   Elsindir's Monopoly of Souls   Elsindir's First Regulation   Collectable: Elsindir's Soul Trade   3 of 5
Trickster Tails (Level 130, Darkpaw Rising)

Collectable: Bloody Trickster Tail   Singed Trickster Tail   Collectable: Matted Trickster Tail   Collectable: Gnarled Trickster Tail   Collectable: Muddy Trickster Tail   Skinned Trickster Tail   2 of 6
Trinkets of the Cursed (Level 90, Destiny of Velious)

Collectable: A Shard of Broken Mask   Collectable: A Shadowed Veil   Collectable: A Soldier's Loyalty   Collectable: A Shredded Painting   Xalgoti's Shoulder Guard   Collectable: A Non-Reflective Mirror   A Shard of Frozen Shadow   2 of 7
Triumphs of Shattered Seas META (Level 100, Altar of Malice)

Shield of the Tranquil Sea   Bone Carved Bust of Lanys T'Vyl   Shattered Seas Medal   Shield of the Phantom Sea   Tales of the Shattered Seas   Collectable: Silk Stitched Hate's Fury Flag   5 of 6
Trophies of Past Glory (Level 95, Fabled)

Fang of the Ancient Crocodile   Collectable: Golden Scale of Day   Collectable: Silver Scale of Night   Scimitar of the Ancient   Collectable: Carapace of Terrorantula   Seed of the Undying   Tassel of the Djinn Master's Carpet   Meathooks Talon   5 of 8
Trueborn Shields (Level 100, Fabled Echoes of Faydwer)

Collectable: Trueborn Shield of Mind   Collectable: Trueborn Shield of Conviction   Trueborn Shield of Honor   Collectable: Trueborn Shield of Intention   Collectable: Trueborn Shield of Desire   1 of 5
Umbral Lord Yzo's Relics (Level 120, Blood of Luclin)

Lord Yzo's Dark Summons   Lord Yzo's Thrall of Darkness   Lord Yzo's Light Loss   Lord Yzo's Shadow Vortex   Collectable: Lord Yzo's Weakness   4 of 5
Uncontrolled Growth (Level 125, Renewal of Ro)

Florphilim Everywhere   Collectable: House-Sized Leaf   Oversized Insects   Vine Wider than an Ogre   Collectable: Walking Leaf   3 of 5
Undead Army Bounties (Level 100, Kunark Ascending)

Spear Thrusting Device   Collectable: Stone Scribed Tome   Limestone Barricade   Underground Barrack Sheets   Cracked Hemic Urn   Day Shunning Tapestry   5 of 6
Undead Bard Songs, Volume II (Level 125, Myths and Monoliths)

Collectable: Rend Your Bones   Such Tales to Tell   Collectable: Call in the Band   Collectable: Lovely Melodies of Death   Collectable: Deter Your Intrusion   1 of 5
Underfoot Mementos (Level 100, Terrors of Thalumbra)

Underfoot Sacred Stone   Collectable: Underfoot Mining Helm   Underfoot Ale Stein   Underfoot Safety Lamp   Underfoot Pick Axes   Underfoot Traveler's Charm   5 of 6
Underpaw Weapons (Level 10, Darkpaw Rising)

Collectable: Underpaw Grisly Blade   Underpaw Hemic Blade   Collectable: Underpaw Ferocious Blade   Underpawn Savage Blade   Underpaw Decimating Blade   Underpaw Bloodthirsty Blade   4 of 6
Unforgotten (Level 100, Terrors of Thalumbra)

Unforgotten Page 2   Collectable: Unforgotten Page 3   Collectable: Unforgotten Page 4   Collectable: Unforgotten Page 1   Collectable: Unforgotten Page 5   Collectable: Unforgotten Page 6   1 of 6
Unveiled Library Devices (Level 100, Kunark Ascending)

Rusty Used Oil Lamp   Charming Reading Stones   Broken Cover Latch   Stolen Link Keys   Unkempt Case Duster   Collectable: Unstable Ladder Rudder   5 of 6
Va Dyn Kar's Relics (Level 120, Blood of Luclin)

Collectable: Va Dyn Kar's Pulverizing Fist   Va Dyn Kar's Pummeling Strikes   Va Dyn Kar's Crushing Whirl   Va Dyn Kar's Demolishing Wallop   Va Dyn Kar's Clinging Shadow   4 of 5
Vallon's Sigils (Level 90, Destiny of Velious)

Collectable: Sigil of Tactics   Collectable: Sigil of Finesse   Sigil of the Scimitar   Collectable: Sigil of  War   Sigil of Governing   Collectable: Sigil of Wisdom   Sigil of  the General   Sigil of Aristocracy   4 of 8
Vampiric Calling of Sathir META (Level 100, Kunark Ascending)

Collectable: Ancient Knowledge Calling   Collectable: Timeless Assembly Calling   Collectable: Pure Blood Calling   Collectable: Potent Voracity Calling   Revived Heritage Calling   Collectable: War Resurgence Calling   1 of 6
Vasty Deep Lost and Found (Level 120, Reign of Shadows)

Vasty Deep Ritual Dagger   A Pile of Research Books   Vasty Deep Marble Vase   Thulian Fleshbinder Plushie   Vasty Deep Apprentice Robes   Scribe's Side-Table   Collectable: Vasty Deep Journeyman Robes   Collectable: Ancient Moldering Grimoire   Collectable: Vasty Deep Animated Globules   Collectable: Sealed Flask of Quicksilver   Collectable: Vasty Deep Spellstaff   Collectable: Vasty Deep Dust Devil Plushie   Collectable: Vasty Deep Researcher's Robes   Collectable: Cruor Construct Plushie   Collectable: Erudin Orb Stand   Collectable: Jar of Dark Elf Goo   Collectable: Ghastly Chemist Plushie   Collectable: A Ritual Bowl   6 of 18
Vestiges of Prophecy META (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Planar Entropy Essence   Collectable: Astral Mapping Device   Collectable: Astral Plague Ward   Collectable: Astral Storm Flux   Collectable: Astral Comet Dust   Collectable: Planar Astrolabe   Collectable: Planar Disease Ward   Collectable: Planar Storm Flux   Planar Comet Dust   Primal Planar Nexus   Collectable: Astral Prism   Astral Projector   4 of 12
Vials and Beakers (Level 120, Reign of Shadows)

Collectable: Badly Scorched Beaker   Collectable: Vial of Unidentifiable Goo   Vial of Purple Blood   Collectable: Beaker of Fizzing Liquid   Collectable: Empty Quartz Vial   1 of 5
Vile Vestiges (Level 110, Planes of Prophecy)

Vilely Raged Thaumaturgy   Collectable: Vilely Vicious Seclusion   Collectable: Vilely Marred Figure   Vilely Shattered Plasma   Vilely Told Mysticism   3 of 5
Villains and Knaves (Level 100, Altar of Malice)

Collectable: Valgan's Coin   Collectable: Charanda's Spear   Grogmogo's Knife   Collectable: Yipnik's Vest   Sea Dog Doogan's Dungarees   2 of 5
Viper Fangs (Level 10, Darkpaw Rising)

Pointed Viper Fang   Collectable: Tapering Viper Fang   Collectable: Keen Viper Fang   Jagged Viper Fang   Splintered Viper Fang   Collectable: Tined Viper Fang   3 of 6
Visionary Relief META (Level 95, Tears of Veeshan)

Lord Vyemm Thread   Aeterna Life Strand   Aeterna Cocoon   Collectable: Draazak's Beacon   Collectable: Harla Dar Charm   Creepy Kerafyrm Doll   Jortreva's Dragonfly   Yelinak's Chain   Vishra's Beacon   7 of 9
Void Beast Claws (Level 125, Myths and Monoliths)

Collectable: Rotted Void Beast Claw   Collectable: Dried Void Beast Claw   Bloody Void Beast Claw   Collectable: Smelly Void Beast Claw   Collectable: Shriveled Void Beast Claw   1 of 5
Vultures 101 (Level 125, Renewal of Ro)

Bare Head   Capacious Crop   Collectable: Carrion Feeder   Large Wingspan   Strong Beak   4 of 5
Vyzh'dra's Artifacts (Level 120, Blood of Luclin)

Vyzh'dra's Ruby Crown   Vyzh'dra's Shadowed Robes   Vyzh'dra Gold Laced Nemes   Collectable: Vyzh'dra's Glowing Sash   Collectable: Vyzh'dra's Golden Manacles   Vyzh'dra's Golden Torque   4 of 6
Watery Wonders (Level 125, Renewal of Ro)

Dangerous Whirlpool   Collectable: Freshwater Sinkhole   Collectable: Giant Waterfall   Magic-Infused Rindle   Rapids of Lifire   3 of 5
Weapons of the Tallonites (Level 92, Sentinel's Fate)

Tallonite blood katana   Tallonite great-scimitar   Tallonite staff of rage   Tallonite emblazoned dagger   Collectable: Tallonite war bow   Tallonite great-katana   5 of 6
Weights and Measures (Level 120, Reign of Shadows)

Bronze Calipers   Collectable: Scale Fulcrum   Kaborite Measuring Stick   Collectable: Small Metal Balance Weight   Dirty Hourglass   Broken Protractor   4 of 6
Wicked Mail (Level 120, Reign of Shadows)

Dark Assassin Cloth   Reaver's Buckle   Collectable: Desolate Etched Plate   Collectable: Distilled Shissar Blood   Collectable: Basis of Iniquity   2 of 5
Withered Away (Level 95, Tears of Veeshan)

Dried Leaf   Collectable: Decrepit Branch   Collectable: Dried Wheat   Cat Tails Wisp   Collectable: Dried Corn Stalk   Withered Seeds   Collectable: Dried Palm Nut   3 of 7
Withered Lands Dragon Sigils (Level 90, Destiny of Velious)

Collectable: Skyshrine Sigil   Eternal Sigil   Collectable: Veeshan Sigil   Storm Sigil   Collectable: Frost Sigil   Fire Sigil   Air Sigil   Water Sigil   5 of 8
Wraithguard's Implements (Level 110, Return to Guk)

Collectable: Ykeshan Wraithguard's Helm   Ykeshan Wraithguard's Bastard Sword   Ykeshan Wraithguard's Idol   Ykeshan Wraithguard's Ring   Ykeshan Wraithguard's Shield   4 of 5
Wumpus Fur (Level 125, Myths and Monoliths)

Grey Wumpus Fur   Collectable: White Wumpus Fur   Collectable: Reddish Wumpus Fur   Collectable: Black Wumpus Fur   Collectable: Marbled Wumpus Fur   1 of 5
Xalgoz Adventure Tributes (Level 100, Kunark Ascending)

Xalgoz Council Capture List   Xalgoz Secretive Escapade Log   Collectable: Xalgoz City Lordship Record   Xalgoz Empowerment Menology   Xalgoz Entrusted Commission   Xalgoz Karnor Army Ledger   5 of 6
Ykeshan Bone Masses (Level 110, Return to Guk)

Collectable: Repairing Mass   Coagulating Mass   Regenerating Mass   Reconstructing Mass   Collectable: Mending Mass   3 of 5
Ykeshan Malevorlor's Implements (Level 110, Return to Guk)

Ykeshan Malevolor's Bracer   Ykeshan Malevolor's Morning Star   Collectable: Ykeshan Malevolor's Scimitar   Ykeshan Malevolor's Whip   Ykeshan Malevolor's Strap   4 of 5
Ykeshan Soldiers (Level 110, Return to Guk)

Sigil of the Ykeshan Wraithguard   Sigil of the Ykeshan Wraithwarden   Collectable: Sigil of the Ykeshan Wraithbuster   Collectable: Sigil of the Ykeshan Wraithslicer   Sigil of the Ykeshan Wraithpusher   3 of 5
Zakir Rish Symbols (Level 130, Ballads of Zimara)

Collectable: Symbol of the Zakir Rish   Collectable: Emblem of the Zakir Rish   Collectable: Icon of the Zakir Rish   Badge of the Zakir Rish   Banner of the Zakir Rish   Signet of the Zakir Rish   3 of 6
Zraxth's Deadly Incantations (Level 110, Return to Guk)

Collectable: Zraxth's Spell of Darkness   Zraxth's Conjuring of Pain   Zraxth's Abjuration of Vileness   Zraxth's Convocation of Ire   Zraxth's Invocation of Blood   4 of 5
Zygomyd Fetish (Level 10, Darkpaw Rising)

Collectable: Zygomyd Fetish of Sod   Collectable: Zygomyd Fetish of Loam   Collectable: Zygomyd Fetish of Muck   Zygomyd Fetish of Marl   Zygomyd Fetish of Loess   Collectable: Zygomyd Fetish of Bole   2 of 6
Zygomyd Gear (Level 130, Darkpaw Rising)

Collectable: Tanned Stalker Shoulder Guards   Collectable: Painted Gnoll-Skin Leggings   Collectable: Dirt-Clumped Tunic   Collectable: Damp Wooden Shield   Collectable: Twisted Root Club   Carved Stone Hammer   1 of 6

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